Academic and Professional Identities in Higher Education
Celia Whitchurch, George Gordon
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The volume addresses the challenges faced by those responsible for the wellbeing of academic faculty and professional staff. International perspectives examine current practice against a background of rapidly changing policy contexts, focusing on the critical ‘people dimension’ of enhancing academic and professional activity, while also addressing national, socio-economic, and community agendas. Consideration is given to mainstream academic faculty and professional staff, researchers, library and information professionals, people with an interest in teaching and learning, and those involved in individual projects or institutional development.
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1 Erwähnungen 
- Zwischen Administration und Akademie - Neue Rollen in der Hochschule - Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung Jg.5/Nr.4 (Franziska Zellweger Moser, Gudrun Bachmann) (2010)
- 2. Optimising the Potential of Third Space Professionals in Higher Education (Celia Whitchurch)
Titel | Format | Bez. | Aufl. | Jahr | ISBN | ||||||
Academic and Professional Identities in Higher Education | D | - | - | 0 | - | ![]() |
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