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Towards Digital Enlightenment

Essays on the Dark and Light Sides of the Digital Revolution
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Towards Digital EnlightenmentThis new collection of essays follows in the footsteps of the successful volume Thinking Ahead - Essays on Big Data, Digital Revolution, and Participatory Market Society, published at a time when our societies were on a path to technological totalitarianism, as exemplified by mass surveillance reported by Edward Snowden and others.
Meanwhile the threats have diversified and tech companies have gathered enough data to create detailed profiles about almost everyone living in the modern world - profiles that can predict our behavior better than our friends, families, or even partners. This is not only used to manipulate peoples’ opinions and voting behaviors, but more generally to influence consumer behavior at all levels. It is becoming increasingly clear that we are rapidly heading towards a cybernetic society, in which algorithms and social bots aim to control both the societal dynamics and individual behaviors.
However there are also silver linings: most of the threats that have accumulated over the past years have been identified and regulations are on the way to being introduced. Furthermore, entirely novel approaches based on blockchain technology and other developments derived from complexity science offer the possibility of entirely redefining collective trust and building platforms to support our core societal values.
Von Klappentext im Buch Towards Digital Enlightenment (2020)

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KB IB clear
Robert Epstein , Hannes Grassegger , Marc-Uwe Kling , Mikael Krogerus , Elon Musk , Ronald E. Robertson

KB IB clear
Algorithmusalgorithm , Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) , big databig data , blockchain , Cambridge Analytica , Datendata , Datensparsamkeit , Digitalisierung , Gesellschaftsociety , Gesetze der Robotik , Gewaltenteilung , Google Flu , hackathon , Komplexitätcomplexity , ökonomisches Kapital , open data , Palantir , Patriot Act , Pendlerverkehr , Predictive PolicingPredictive Policing , Tinder , Trolley-Problem , Wearable ComputingWearable Computing
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
2016 local web  Bundesgesetz betreffend die Überwachung des Post- und Fernmeldeverkehrs2, 4, 8, 3, 1, 10, 1, 4, 2, 3, 4, 4 16 11 4 88
2017 local  QualityLand (Marc-Uwe Kling) 1, 1, 6, 2, 3, 5, 4, 2, 5, 6, 2, 6 4 19 6 170
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
2015 local web  The search engine manipulation effect (SEME) and its possible impact on the outcomes of elections (Robert Epstein, Ronald E. Robertson) 11 9 6 11 11
2016 local web  Ich habe nur gezeigt, dass es die Bombe gibt (Hannes Grassegger, Mikael Krogerus) 2, 1, 7, 5, 5, 13, 8, 9, 10, 10, 9, 10 19 19 10 602

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