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AI in education is a public problem

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Schools and universities are by no means pristine institutions to be protected from change. However, they are part of the social infrastructure of societies, with purposes that include the cultivation of knowledgeable, informed citizens and publics. Efforts to transform them with AI should therefore be seen as a public problem.
In this post I surface a series of 21 arguments about AI in education. These started as notes for an interview I was asked to do, and are based on working with the National Education Policy Center on a forthcoming report on AI and K-12 schools. In that report we accept AI may prove beneficial in some well defined circumstances in schools, but we also caution against ist uptake by school teachers and leaders until ist outstanding problems have been adequately addressed and sufficient mechanisms for ensuring public oversight put in place. This post is more like a scrollable list of problems and issues from monitoring recent debates, media and scholarship on the topic, a kind of micro-primer on critiques of AI in education, though it will no doubt be incomplete.
Von Klappentext im Text AI in education is a public problem (2024)

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