Laptops and Literacy |
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![]() Fragen KB IB clear | ENpS: Verbessert ENpS den Lernerfolg?
ENpS: Wie verändert ENpS den Unterricht? |
![]() Begriffe KB IB clear | Ein Notebook pro StudentIn (ENpS) |
Dieses Buch erwähnt vermutlich nicht ... 
![]() Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Notebook, Notebooks an Schulen, One-to-One-Computing |
Zitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)
12 Erwähnungen 
- Laptops and Literacy - A Multi-Site Case Study (Mark Warschauer) (2008)
- Ubiquitous Computing in K-12 Classrooms - A Systematic Review (Edward C. Bethel, Robert M. Bernard, Philip C. Abrami, Anne C. Wade) (2008)
- Learning with Laptops - A Multi-Method Case Study (Douglas Grimes, Mark Warschauer) (2009)
- Learning to Write in the Laptop Classroom (Mark Warschauer) (2009)
- From Blogs to Bombs - The Future of Digital Technologies in Education (Mark Pegrum) (2009)
- New Technology and Digital Worlds - Analyzing Evidence of Equity in Access, Use, and Outcomes (2010)
- Can One Latop Per Child Save The World's Poor? (Mark Warschauer, Morgan Ames) (2010)
- One Laptop per Child Birmingham - Case Study of a Radical Experiment (Mark Warschauer, Shelia R. Cotten, Morgan Ames) (2012)
- Bedingungen innovativen Handelns in Schulen - Funktion und Interaktion von Innovationsbereitschaft, Innovationsklima und Akteursnetzwerken am Beispiel der IKT-Integration an Schulen (Doreen Prasse) (2012)
- Digital Writing and Diversity - The Effects of School Laptop Programs on Literacy Processes and Outcomes (Binbin Zheng, Mark Warschauer, George Farkas) (2013)
- Cyberkrank! - Wie das digitalisierte Leben unsere Gesundheit ruiniert (Manfred Spitzer) (2015)
- Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (Joke Voogt, Gerald Knezek, Rhonda Christensen, Kwok-Wing Lai) (2018)
Co-zitierte Bücher

The Impact of Maine’s One-to-One Laptop Program on Middle School Teachers and Students
Phase One Summary Evidence
(David L. Silvernail, Dawn M. M. Lane) (2004)

Evaluation of the Texas Technology Immersion Pilot
Findings from the Second Year May 2007
(TCER Texas Center for Educational Research) (2007)

Living and Learning with New Media
Summary of Findings from the Digital Youth Project
(Mizuko Ito, Heather Horst, Matteo Bittanti, danah boyd, Becky Herr-Stephenson, Patricia G. Lange, C.J. Pascoe, Laura Robinson) (2008)

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