- 113. Developing an Understanding of the Impact of Digital Technologies on Teaching and Learning in an Ever-Changing Landscape (Seite 3 - 12)
- 96. Section Introduction: Curricular Challenges of the Twenty-First Century (Seite 15 - 17) (Joke Voogt, Ola Erstad)
- 1. The Twenty-First Century Curriculum: Issues and Challenges (Seite 19 - 36) (Ola Erstad, Joke Voogt)
- 2. New Literacies: Curricular Implications (Seite 37 - 52) (Lotta Larson, Elena Forzani, Donald J. Leu)
- 3. Digital Citizenship and Social Media: A Curriculum Perspective (Seite 53 - 68) (Nancy Law, Siu-Lun Chow, King-Wa Fu)
- 4. Students and Their Computer Literacy - Evidence and Curriculum Implications (Seite 69 - 88) (John Ainley)
- 6. Computer Science and Computational Thinking in the Curriculum - Research and Practice (Seite 89 - 106) (Aman Yadav, Phil Sands, Jon Good, Alex Lishinki)
- 7. Dissolving the Digital Divide - Creating Coherence in Young People´s Social Ecologies of Learning and Identity Building (Seite 107 - 120) (Kristiina Kumpulainen, Anna Mikkola, Antti Rajala)
- 97. Section Introduction: The Learner and the Learning Process (Seite 123 - 125) (Kwok-Wing Lai, Keryn Pratt)
- 8. The Learner and the Learning Process - Research and Practice in Technology-Enhanced Learning (Seite 127 - 142) (Kwok-Wing Lai)
- 9. Information and Communication Technologies, and Learning Theories - Putting Pedagogy into Practice (Seite 143 - 160) (Vanessa P. Dennen, Kerry J. Burner, Michelle L. Cates)
- 11. Developing Scientific Inquiry in Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments (Seite 161 - 180) (Carol K. K. Chan, Yuqin Yang)
- 12. Cultural and Social Issues in Using Social Media to Support Learning (Seite 181 - 197) (Royce Kimmons, Olga Belikov)
- 13. Bridging Formal and Informal Learning Through Technology in the Twenty-First Century: Issues and Challenges (Seite 199 - 215) (Cathy Lewin, Amina Charania)
- 15. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: Mediated and Co-Present Forms of Learning Together (Seite 217 - 231) (Lara Johanna Schmitt, Armin Weinberger)
- 98. Section Introduction: Attitudes, Competencies, and Dispositions for Teaching and Learning with Information Technology (Seite 235 - 237) (Gerald Knezek, Rhonda Christensen)
- 16. The Evolving Role of Attitudes and Competencies in Information and Communication Technology in Education (Seite 239 - 253) (Gerald Knezek, Rhonda Christensen)
- 22. Information and Communication Competences for Students (Seite 255 - 269) (Koen Aesaert, Johan van Braak)
- 19. The Influence of Information and Communication Technology Use on Students´ Information Literacy (Seite 271 - 291) (Akira Sakamoto)
- 24. The Interaction of Psychological Constructs with Information Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning (Seite 293 - 307) (Yaacov J. Katz)
- 27. Information and Communication Technology Dispositional Factors and Relationship to Information and Communication Technology Practices (Seite 309 - 333) (Anne T. Ottenbreit-Leftwich, Theodore J. Kopcha, Peggy A. Ertmer)
- 23. Instructional Technology Integration Models and Frameworks - Diffusion, Competencies, Attitudes, and Dispositions (Seite 335 - 355) (Dale S. Niederhauser, Denise L. Lindstrom)
- 21. Measuring Teacher Attitudes, Competencies, and Pedagogical Practices in Support of Student Learning and Classroom Technology Integration (Seite 357 - 374) (Rhonda Christensen, Gerald Knezek)
- 99. Section Introduction: Professional Learning and Development of Teachers (Seite 377 - 379) (Peter R. Albion, Jo Tondeur)
- 25. Information and Communication Technology and Education - Meaningful Change Through Teacher Agency (Seite 381 - 396) (Peter R. Albion, Jo Tondeur)
- 26. Knowledge Base for Information and Communication Technology in Education (Seite 397 - 413) (Charoula Angeli, Nicos Valanides)
- 28. Preparing Preservice Teachers to Transform Education with Information and Communication Technologies (Seite 415 - 432) (Alona Forkosh-Baruch)
- 29. Teachers as Drivers of Their Professional Learning Through Design Teams, Communities, and Networks (Seite 433 - 447) (Sarah Prestridge, Katherine Main)
- 30. Connecting Research and Practice - Teacher Inquiry and Design-Based Research (Seite 449 - 462) (Susan McKenney, Natalie Pareja Roblin)
- 31. Professional Development for Online and Mobile Learning - Promoting Teachers´ Pedagogical Inquiry (Seite 463 - 478) (Evrim Baran)
- 100. Section Introduction: The Role of Leadership for Information Technology in Education (Seite 481 - 482) (Sara Dexter)
- 32. The Role of Leadership for Information Technology in Education: Systems of Practices (Seite 483 - 498) (Sara Dexter)
- 34. A Distributed Leadership Perspective on Information Technologies for Teaching and Learning (Seite 499 - 514) (Richard Halverson)
- 35. Leaders Fostering Teachers´ Learning Environments for Technology Integration (Seite 515 - 533) (Sarah K. Howard, Jen Scott Curwood, Kelli McGraw)
- 36. Technology Integration, Leadership, and Organizational Support Frameworks for Instructional Improvement with Information Technology (Seite 535 - 542) (Scott McLeod)
- 109. Leading Information Technology via Design Thinking (Seite 543 - 548) (John B. Nash)
- 110. Appreciative Inquiry: Building on Strengths for Integrating Information Technology in Schools (Seite 549 - 556) (Megan Tschannen-Moran, Mark Hofer)
- 108. Teaching as a Design Science: Teachers Building, Testing, and Sharing Pedagogic Ideas (Seite 557 - 566) (Diana Laurillard)
- 111. Improvement Science Through Networked Improvement Communities - Leadership of Continuous Improvement with, of, and Through Information Technology (Seite 567 - 574) (David H. Eddy-Spicer)
- 101. Section Introduction: Using Information Technology for Assessment: Issues and Opportunities (Seite 577 - 580) (Mary Webb, Dirk Ifenthaler)
- 37. Assessment as, for, and of Twenty-First Century Learning Using Information Technology: An Overview (Seite 581 - 600) (Mary Webb, Dirk Ifenthaler)
- 38. Formative Assessment and Feedback Using Information Technology (Seite 601 - 615) (Fabienne van der Kleij, Lenore Adie)
- 39. Progress and Challenges for Automated Scoring and Feedback Systems for Large-Scale Assessments (Seite 617 - 634) (Denise Whitelock, Duygu Bektik)
- 40. Assessing Problem-Solving Skills in Game-Based Immersive Environments (Seite 635 - 648) (Valerie J. Shute, Benjamin Emihovich)
- 41. Making Use of Data for Assessments: Harnessing Analytics and Data Science (Seite 649 - 663) (Dirk Ifenthaler, Samuel Greiff, David Gibson)
- 43. A Futures Perspective on Information Technology and Assessment (Seite 665 - 677) (Jason M. Lodge)
- 45. Distance and Flexible Learning in the Twenty-First Century (Seite 685 - 699) (Roumen Nikolov, Kwok-Wing Lai, Evgenia Sendova, Herma Jonker)
- 46. Virtual Schools: A Global Perspective (Seite 701 - 718) (Niki Davis, Richard E. Ferdig)
- 47. Open Education Resources, Massive Open Online Courses, and Online Platforms for Distance and Flexible Learning (Seite 719 - 735) (Jon Dron, Gerald Ardito)
- 48. Online Learning Communities in K-12 Settings (Seite 737 - 757) (Seng Chee Tan, Alwyn Vwen Yen Lee)
- 49. Designing Blended, Flexible, and Personalized Learning (Seite 759 - 776) (Keryn Pratt, Eugenia Kovatcheva)
- 52. From Engagement to Empowerment: The Evolution of Mobile Learning in the United States (Seite 785 - 805) (Julie A. Evans)
- 53. Barriers to Mobile Learning Advancements in the United Kingdom (Seite 807 - 816) (David Whyley)
- 54. The Implementation of Mobile Learning in Asia: Key Trends in Practices and Research (Seite 817 - 857) (Daniel Churchill, Mark Pegrum, Natalia Churchill)
- 56. Mobile Learning in K-12: Roadblocks to Adoption (Seite 859 - 875) (Cathleen Norris, Elliot Soloway)
- 59. Guiding Questions for Game-Based Learning (Seite 887 - 905) (Karen Schrier)
- 60. Evaluating Games for Classroom Use (Seite 907 - 920) (Katrin Becker)
- 61. Toward Creator-Based Learning: Designs That Help Student Makers Learn (Seite 921 - 933) (Chen-Chung Liu)
- 64. Trends and Opportunities in Online Learning, MOOCs, and Cloud-Based Tools (Seite 935 - 953) (Vanessa Chang, Christian Gütl, Martin Ebner)
- 66. Educational Opportunities for Immersive Virtual Reality (Seite 955 - 966) (Richard E. Ferdig, Enrico Gandolfi, Zachary Immel)
- 112. Educational Opportunities for Augmented Reality (Seite 967 - 979) (Enrico Gandolfi, Richard E. Ferdig, Zachary Immel)
- 67. Issues and Challenges Related to Digital Equity: An Overview (Seite 987 - 1004) (Paul Resta, Robert T. McLaughlin, Assetou Kouraogo)
- 73. A Sociocritical Perspective on the Integration of Digital Technology in Education (Seite 1015 - 1023) (Jean Gabin Ntebutse, Simon Collin)
- 74. Learning Differences and Digital Equity in the Classroom (Seite 1025 - 1046) (Jutta Treviranus)
- 75. Organizing Learning Environments for Relational Equity in New Digital Media (Seite 1047 - 1061) (William R. Penuel, Daniela K. DiGiacomo)
- 76. Technology and Equity in Education (Seite 1063 - 1079) (Mark Warschauer, Ying Xu)
- 95. Advancing Equity Through Educational Technology: Promising Practices for Adoption, Integration, and Use in K-12 (Seite 1081 - 1098) (Molly B. Zielezinski, Linda Darling-Hammond)
- 77. Researching Information Technology in Education: Meeting the Challenges of an Ever-Changing Environment (Seite 1105 - 1124) (Margaret J. Cox)
- 78. Meta-analyses of Large-Scale Datasets: A Tool for Assessing the Impact of Information and Communication Technology in Education (Seite 1125 - 1141) (Yuen-Kuang Cliff Liao, Wan-Ching Lai)
- 79. Researching the Design and Evaluation of Information Technology Tools for Education (Seite 1143 - 1159) (Eric Bruillard, Georges-Louis Baron)
- 80. International Large-Scale Computer-Based Studies on Information Technology Literacy in Education (Seite 1161 - 1179) (Julian Fraillon)
- 81. Measuring the Impact of Emerging Technologies in Education - A Pragmatic Approach (Seite 1181 - 1199) (Mutlu Cukurova, Rose Luckin)
- 82. Looking Back, Moving Forward: Impact and Measurability of the Use of Educational Technology (Seite 1201 - 1219) (Norbert Pachler, Keith Turvey)
- 84. Cross-National Policies on Information and Communication Technology in Primary and Secondary Schools: An International Perspective (Seite 1227 - 1238) (Birgit Eickelmann)
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Personen KB IB clear | Koen Aesaert , John Ainley , Murat Akçayır , Kirsti Ala-Mutka , Morgan Ames , Lorin W. Anderson , Ronald E. Anderson , Charoula Angeli , Marianne Bakia , N. Balacheff , Anja Balanskat , Albert Bandura , Sasha Barab , Sonja Baumer , Henry Becker , Helen Beetham , Tim Bell , Carl Bereiter , Susan Bergin , Ulf Dalvad Berthelsen , Federico Biagi , Marilyn Binkley , Matteo Bittanti , Roger Blamire , T. J. Bliss , B. S. Bloom , Phyllis Blumenfeld , Stefania Bocconi , Monique Boekaerts , danah boyd , Johan van Braak , Barbara Bray , Karen Brennan , Chris Brook , John Seely Brown , Tom Brown , Ann L. Brown , Tim Brown , Jerome S. Bruner , Erik Brynjolfsson , Susan Bull , Quinn Burke , Andrea Cantieni , Esther Care , Manuel Castells , Dianne P. Chambers , Tak-Wai Chan , Carol K. K. Chan , J. Cherniavsky , G. Chia , George M. Chinnery , Augusto Chioccariello , Jennifer L. Chiu , Rhonda Christensen , Richard E. Clark , Katie Clinton , Rachel Cody , Jacob Cohen , Allan Collins , Steve Cooper , Shelia R. Cotten , Margaret J. Cox , Helen Crompton , Jay Cross , Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi , Larry Cuban , Pru Cuper , Caroline Daly , Niki Davis , Lisa Dawley , Chris Dede , Giuliana Dettori , Ines Devlieger , Sara Dexter , Pierre Dillenbourg , Mark Dorling , Stephen Downes , Hakan Dündar , Matt Dunleavy , John Dunlosky , David C. Dwyer , Evelyn Eastmond , Richard Van Eck , Alberta Education , Nives Egger , Richard J. Enbody , Katja Engelhardt , Laura Enger , Ola Erstad , Peggy A. Ertmer , Meg Escudé , Deniz Eseryel , Keri Facer , Anusca Ferrari , Deborah A. Fields , Barry Fishman , Ricky Fluke , Alona Forkosh-Baruch , Julian Fraillon , Thomas Friedman , Tim Friedman , Thomas Fuchs , D. Randy Garrison , Xun Ge , Eveline Gebhardt , J. P. Gee , Michael Giang , Yi Gong , Jon Good , Anke Görzig , Arthur C. Graesser , Charles R. Graham , Patrick Griffin , Douglas Grimes , Douglas J. Hacker , Leslie Haddona , Richard Halverson , Susanne E. Hambrusch , Yungwei Hao , Idit Harel , Judith Harris , B. Haßler , John Hattie , David Hawkridge , S. Hennessy , Joan Herman , R. Hermans , Becky Herr-Stephenson , Margaret L. Hilton , Mark Hofer , Margaret Honey , Paula Hooper , Heinz Ulrich Hoppe , Heather Horst , S. Hsi , Simon Humphreys , Freda Husic , Dirk Ifenthaler , Ioannis Ioannou , Nina Iten , Mizuko Ito , Lakhmi C. Jain , Henry Jenkins , David H. Jonassen , Karla Jones , Yasmin B. Kafai , David Kanter , Yaacov J. Katz , Stella Kefala , Kristen Kereluik , Myint Swe Khine , Michael Kickmeier-Rust , Susan Herrington Kidd , Yoon Jeon Kim , Kinshuk , Paul A. Kirschner , Eric Klopfer , Gerald Knezek , Matthew J. Koehler , John T. Korb , Robert B. Kozma , Joseph Krajcik , David R. Krathwohl , Agnes Kukulska-Hulme , Chen-Lin Kulik , James A. Kulik , Kwok-Wing Lai , Judy Lambert , Patricia G. Lange , Karen H. Larwin , Diana Laurillard , Jean Lave , Jari Lavonen , Ard W. Lazonder , Marilyn Leask , Hee-Sun Lee , Larry Leifer , Yuen-Kuang Cliff Liao , Marcia C. Linn , Alex Lishinski , Shih-Hsiung Liu , Sonia Livingstone , Massimo Loi , C. Looi , Chee-Kit Looi , E. Dianne Looker , Minhua Ma , Dilan Mahendran , L. Major , John Maloney , Gail Marshall , Sylvia Libow Martinez , Katynka Z. Martínez , Ron Marx , Tina Matuchniak , Richard E. Mayer , Chris Mayfield , Andrew McAfee , Kathleen McClaskey , Mary McEwen , Barry McGaw , Jane McGonigal , Susan McKenney , Barbara M. Means , Christoph Meinel , Veijo Meisalo , Harvey Mellar , M. David Merrill , May Miller-Ricci , Amon Millner , M. Milrad , David Mioduser , Punya Mishra , Keiko T. Miyashita , Andrés Monroy-Hernández , Jef Moonen , Geoffrey A. Moore , Yishay Mor , Briana B. Morrison , Robert Murphy , Rafi Nachmias , Daniël van Nijlen , Donald A. Norman , Cathleen Norris , Andreas Oikonomou , Ron Oliver , OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , Anne T. Ottenbreit-Leftwich , Norbert Pachler , Seymour Papert , Judy M. Parr , C.J. Pascoe , Charles Patton , Roy Pea , W. J. Pelgrum , James W. Pellegrino , William R. Penuel , Dan Perkel , Dominik Petko , Michael Pfeifer , Paul R. Pintrich , Pablo Pirnay-Dummer , Hasso Plattner , Tjeerd Plomp , Doreen Prasse , Marc Prensky , Ruben R. Puentedura , Ravi Purushotma , Senta Raizen , Thomas C. Reeves , Ronan Reilly , Peter Reimann , I.A.M. Janssen Reinen , Mitchel Resnick , L. B. Resnick , Nicholas Reynolds , Mike Ribble , Margaret Riel , Jeremy Rifkin , Cathy Ringstaff , Martin Ripley , George Ritzer , Laura Robinson , Alice J. Robison , E. M Rogers , Margaret M. Ropp , Jeremy Roschelle , Larry D. Rosen , Eric Rosenbaum , Mike Rumble , Natalie Rusk , D. S. Rychen , Olgun Sadik , Issa M. Saleh , L. H. Salganik , Judith Haymore Sandholtz , R. Keith Sawyer , Marlene Scardamalia , Wolfram Schulz , Renate Schulz-Zander , Dara Searle , Julian Sefton-Green , Neil Selwyn , Emine Sendurur , Polat Sendurur , Sue Sentance , P. Seow , David Williamson Shaffer , Rhona Sharpe , Mike Sharples , Alan Shaw , Tae Seob Shin , Ben Shneiderman , L. Shulman , Valerie J. Shute , George Siemens , Jay Silver , Brian Silverman , Christo Sims , Natasha Singer , Juliet Sizmur , Jim Slotta , The Royal Society , Elliot Soloway , Bridget Somekh , Kari Sormunen , Kurt Squire , Gary Stager , Gerry Stahl , Constance Steinkuehler , Linda Sturman , Daner Sun , John Sweller , Don Tapscott , Josie Taylor , Timothy Teo , TCER Texas Center for Educational Research , Douglas Thomas , Robert Tinker , Alvin Toffler , Jo Tondeur , Yukie Toyama , John Traxler , Desmond Traynor , Lisa Tripp , Nicos Valanides , Martin Valcke , Ruben Vanderlinde , Ravi Vatrapu , Norman D. Vaughan , Giasemi Vavoula , Mikko Vesisenaho , Joke Voogt , Andreas Voss , Shirin Vossoughi , Lew Semjonowitsch Vygotsky , Lorrae Ward , Mark Warschauer , Barbara Wasson , Audrey Watters , Mary Webb , Margaret Weigel , Etienne Wenger , Barbara Wespi , Susan Wiedenbeck , David A. Wiley , Nancy L. Williams , Ben Williamson , Jeannette M. Wing , Lung-Hsiang Wong , Ludger Wößmann , Longkai Wu , Aman Yadav , K Yahya , Moshe Zeidner , Ninger Zhou | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | AgentCubes , augmented realityaugmented reality , big databig data , Bildungeducation (Bildung) , Blended LearningBlended Learning , Chromebook , Classroom response systemClassroom response system , CO2-Fussabdruck , cognitive load theory (CLT) , computational thinkingcomputational thinking , computer literacycomputer literacy , Content KnowledgeContent Knowledge , CSCLComputer-Supported Collaborative Learning , Curriculum / Lehrplancurriculum , data literacy , Denkenthinking , design thinking , design-based researchdesign-based research , DigComp , digital dividedigital divide , Digital NativesDigital Natives , digitaler Schereneffekt , Digitalisierung , distance learning / Fernunterrichtdistance learning , Edmodo , Elternparents , EmpowermentEmpowerment , Evaluationevaluation , facebook , Feedback (Rückmeldung)Feedback , Filterblase , formal learningformal learning , game-based learninggame-based learning , Gatekeepergatekeeper , Geschäftsmodellbusiness model , Gesellschaftsociety , Globalisierungglobalization , Google , Google Classroom , gritgrit , Hardwarehardware , ICT literacyICT literacy , informal learninginformal learning , Informatikcomputer science , Informatik-Unterricht (Fachinformatik)Computer Science Education , Informationskompetenzinformation literacy , Informationstechnikinformation technology , Innovationinnovation , Kindergarten , Kreativitätcreativity , kulturelles Kapital , Large-Scale Assessment Studies , LehrerInteacher , LehrerInnen-Bildungteacher training , Lernenlearning , maker movementmaker movement , Mathematikmathematics , Metaanalysemeta-analysis , microbloggingmicroblogging , Microsoft , mobile learningmobile learning , MOOCMassive Open Online Course , Moodle , Motivationmotivation , Offenheitopenness , Office 365 , One-to-One-ComputingOne-to-One-Computing , open data , Open Educational Resources (OER)Open Educational Resources , Pedagogical KnowledgePedagogical Knowledge , Pokémon Go , Psychologiepsychology , SAMR-Model , Schulbuch / Lehrmittelschoolbook , Schuleschool , Selbstwirksamkeitself efficacy , social media / Soziale Mediensocial networking software , social network analysissocial network analysis , Tausch-Ökonomiesharing economy , Taxonomie von Bloom (affektiver Bereich) , Taxonomie von Bloom (kognitiver Bereich) , Taxonomien von Bloom , Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) , Technologietechnology , Textiles und technisches Gestalten (TTG) , theory of change , TPCK-ModellTPACK framework , turtle graphics , Twitter , United KingdomUnited Kingdom , Virtual Realityvirtual reality , Wikipedia , work-life-balance , World of Warcraft , YouTube , Zone of Proximal Development | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bücher |
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47 Erwähnungen
- Why do some teachers teach media literacy while others do not? - Exploring predictors along the “will, skill, tool, pedagogy” model (Maria-Luisa Schmitz, Tessa Consoli, Chiara Antonietti, Alberto Cattaneo, Philipp Gonon, Dominik Petko)
- Medien im Unterricht (Dominik Petko) (2019)
- ICILS 2018 #Deutschland - Computer- und informationsbezogene Kompetenzen von Schülerinnen und Schülern im zweiten internationalen Vergleich und Kompetenzen im Bereich Computational Thinking (Birgit Eickelmann, Wilfried Bos, Julia Gerick, Frank Goldhammer, Heike Schaumburg, Knut Schwippert, Martin Senkbeil, Jan Vahrenhold) (2019)
- Schulische Prozesse als Lern- und Lehrbedingungen in den ICILS-2018-Teilnehmerländern (Julia Gerick, Birgit Eickelmann, Amelie Labusch)
- 4. Computer- und informationsbezogene Kompetenzen von Schülerinnen und Schülern der 8. Jahrgangsstufe in Deutschland im zweiten internationalen Vergleich (Birgit Eickelmann, Wilfried Bos, Julia Gerick, Amelie Labusch)
- 7. Nutzung digitaler Medien und Prädiktoren aus der Perspektive der Lehrerinnen und Lehrer im internationalen Vergleich (Kerstin Drossel, Birgit Eickelmann, Heike Schaumburg, Amelie Labusch)
- 9. Computer- und informationsbezogene Kompetenzen von Mädchen und Jungen im zweiten internationalen Vergleich (Julia Gerick, Corinna Massek, Birgit Eickelmann, Amelie Labusch) (2019)
- ICT-Professionalisierung und ICT-Beliefs - Professionalisierung angehender Lehrpersonen in der digitalen Transformation und ihre berufsbezogenen Überzeugungen über digitale Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (ICT) (Robin Schmidt) (2020)
- Quo vadis TPACK? - Scouting the road ahead (Dominik Petko) (2020)
- Digitale Medien und informatische Bildung - Lehrplan (Rudolf Steiner Schulen Schweiz, Robin Schmidt) (2020)
- Schule in einer digitalen Welt - Einleitung
- Digitale Bildung im Grundschulalter - Grundsatzfragen zum Primat des Pädagogischen (Mareike Thumel, Rudolf Kammerl, Thomas Irion) (2020)
- Digitale Grundbildung in der Grundschule - Grundlegende Bildung in der digital geprägten und gestaltbaren, mediatisierten Welt (Thomas Irion)
- Bildung, Schule, Digitalisierung (Kai Kaspar, Michael Becker-Mrotzek, Sandra Hofhues, Johannes König, Daniela Schmeinck) (2020)
- ICT-Beliefs und ICT-Professionalisierung - Befunde und Implikationen der #LPiDW-Studie zu Strukturen und Inhalten von berufsbezogenen Überzeugungen angehender Lehrpersonen über ICT (Robin Schmidt, Christian Reintjes) (2020)
- WiPSCE '20 - Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, Virtual Event, Germany, October 28-30, 2020 (Torsten Brinda, Michal Armoni) (2020)
- Exploring the K-12 computer science curriculum standards in the U.S (Meize Guo, Anne T. Ottenbreit-Leftwich) (2020)
- Gestaltung digitaler Schulentwicklung in Deutschland - ICILS 2018 #Transfer (Amelie Labusch, Birgit Eickelmann, Daniela Conze) (2020)
- Digitalisierung in der Bildung - Bericht im Auftrag des Staatssekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation (SBFI) und der Schweizerischen Konferenz der kantonalen Erziehungsdirektoren (EDK) im Rahmen des Bildungsmonitorings (educa.ch Schweizerisches Medieninstitut für Bildung und Kultur) (2021)
- Informatik - Bildung von Lehrkräften in allen Phasen - 19. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule (Ludger Humbert) (2021)
- Schulpraktische Studien und Professionalisierung - Kohärenzambitionen und alternative Zugänge zum Lehrberuf (Christian Reintjes, Til-Sebastian Idel, Gabriele Bellenberg, Kathi V. Thönes) (2021)
- Medienbildung in der Lehrer*innenbildung - Kohärenz der intendierten, implementierten und erreichten Curricula? (Christian Reintjes, Raphaela Porsch, Katja Görich, Patrick Gollub, David Paulus, Marcel Veber) (2021)
- Dimensionen pädagogischer Räume - Erleben - Begegnen - Lernen (Ulrike Barth, Thomas Maschke) (2021)
- Beiträge zur Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung 3/2021 (2021)
- Deprofessionalisierung durch Normalisierung der Ausnahme? - Neue Herausforderungen in der Lehrpersonenbildung durch Beliefs, ubiquitäre Thematisierung und «Digital Main streaming» (Robin Schmidt) (2021)
- Schulentwicklungsprozesse für Bildung in der digitalen Welt (Marco Hasselkuß, Anna Heinemann, Manuela Endberg, Lisa Gageik) (2022)
- Digitalisierung als Daueraufgabe (Michael Viertel, Andreas Breiter, Anja Zeising, Denise Detlof)
- Professionalisierung für Digitale Bildung im Grundschulalter - Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts P³DiG (Thomas Irion, Traugott Böttinger, Rudolf Kammerl) (2023)
- Professionalisierung für das Primat des Pädagogischen in der Digitalen Grundbildung - Projekteinführung und -überblick zum BMBF-Projekt „Grundsatzfragen und Gelingensbedingungen in der Professionalisierung von pädagogischen Akteur:innen für Kinder im Grundschulalter“ (P3DiG) (Thomas Irion, Rudolf Kammerl, Traugott Böttinger, Niels Brüggen, Andreas Dertinger, Sabine Martschinke, Marlen Niederberger, Senta Pfaff-Rüdiger, Melanie Stephan, Mareike Thumel, Carina Ziegler)
- Teaching Coding in K-12 Schools - Research and Application (Therese Keane, Andrew Fluck) (2023)
- Computational Thinking in Pre-vocational Education - A Focus on Coding Unplugged (Diane van der Linde-Koomen, Herma Jonker, Joke Voogt)
- Künstliche Intelligenz in der Hochschulbildung - Chancen und Grenzen des KI-gestützten Lernens und Lehrens (Tobias Schmohl, Alice Watanabe, Kathrin Schelling) (2023)
- Digital Leadership - Schulen im digitalen Wandel führen (Tobias Röhl, Johannes Breitschaft, Eliane Burri, Nicole Wespi) (2023)
- Moving forward to new educational realities in the digital era (Michael Phillips, P. Fisser) (2023)
- EDUsummIT: Its origins and evolution (Joke Voogt, Gerald Knezek, Alona Forkosh-Baruch)
- TPACK in Context - An Updated Model (Dominik Petko, Punya Mishra, Matthew J Koehler) (2025)
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Beat hat dieses Buch während seiner Zeit am Institut für Medien und Schule (IMS) ins Biblionetz aufgenommen. Beat besitzt kein physisches, aber ein digitales Exemplar. Eine digitale Version ist auf dem Internet verfügbar (s.o.). Aufgrund der vielen Verknüpfungen im Biblionetz scheint er sich intensiver damit befasst zu haben.