DIY UEdupunks, Edupreneurs, and the Coming Transformation of Higher Education
Anya Kamenetz
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The system particularly fails the first-generation, the low-income, and students of color who predominate in coming generations. What we need to know is changing more quickly than ever, and a rising tide of information threatens to swamp knowledge and wisdom. America cannot regain its economic and cultural leadership with an increasingly ignorant population. Our choice is clear: Radically change the way higher education is delivered, or resign ourselves to never having enough of it.
The roots of the words "university" and "college" both mean community. In the age of constant connectedness and social media, it's time for the monolithic, millennium-old, ivy-covered walls to undergo a phase change into something much lighter, more permeable, and fluid.
The future lies in personal learning networks and paths, learning that blends experiential and digital approaches, and free and open-source educational models. Increasingly, you will decide what, when, where, and with whom you want to learn, and you will learn by doing. The university is the cathedral of modernity and rationality, and with our whole civilization in crisis, we are poised on the brink of Reformation.
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6 Erwähnungen 
- The Digital Scholar - How Technology is Transforming Academic Practice (Martin Weller) (2011)
- The War on Learning (Elizabeth Losh) (2014)
- Freie Bildungsmedien und Digitale Archive - Medien - Wissen - Bildung (Petra Missomelius, Wolfgang Sützl, Theo Hug, Petra Grell, Rudolf Kammerl) (2014)
- Die Bildung und das Netz - Wie leben und lernen wir im digitalen Klimawandel? (Martin Lindner) (2017)
- Failure to Disrupt - Why Technology Alone Can’t Transform Education (Justin Reich) (2020)
- 3. Peer-Guided Learning at Scale - Networked Learning Communities
- Metaphors of Ed Tech (Martin Weller) (2022)
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