Platform RevolutionHow Networked Markets Are Transforming the Economy - and How to Make Them Work for You
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Uber. Airbnb. Amazon. Apple. PayPal. All of these companies disrupted their markets when they launched. Today they are industry leaders. What’s the secret to their success?
These cutting-edge businesses are built on platforms: two-sided markets that are revolutionizing the way we do business. Written by three of the most sought-after experts on platform businesses, Platform Revolution is the first authoritative, fact-based book on platform models. Whether platforms are connecting sellers and buyers, hosts and visitors, or drivers with people who need a ride, Geoffrey G. Parker, Marshall W. Van Alstyne, and Sangeet Paul Choudary reveal the what, how, and why of this revolution and provide the first “owner’s manual” for creating a successful platform business.
Platform Revolution teaches newcomers how to start and run a successful platform business, explaining ways to identify prime markets and monetize networks. Addressing current business leaders, the authors reveal strategies behind some of today’s up-and-coming platforms, such as Tinder and SkillShare, and explain how traditional companies can adapt in a changing marketplace. The authors also cover essential issues concerning security, regulation, and consumer trust, while examining markets that may be ripe for a platform revolution, including healthcare, education, and energy.
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8 Erwähnungen 
- smarte worte - Das kritische Lexikon der Digitalisierung (Martha Dörfler, Sabine Nuss, Patrick Stary, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung) (2016)
- Machine Platform Crowd - Wie wir das Beste aus unserer digitalen Zukunft machen (Andrew McAfee, Erik Brynjolfsson) (2017)
- Digitalisierung: Segen oder Fluch - Wie die Digitalisierung unsere Lebens- und Arbeitswelt verändert (Dietmar Wolff, Richard Göbel) (2018)
- 6. Marketing 4.0 (Andreas Wagener)
- 6. Marketing 4.0 (Andreas Wagener)
- The Platform Society - Public Values in a Connective World (José van Dijck, Thomas Poell, Martijn de Waal) (2018)
- Realitätsschock - Zehn Lehren aus der Gegenwart (Sascha Lobo) (2019)
- Die Macht der Plattformen - Politik in Zeiten der Internetgiganten (Michael Seemann) (2021)
- Machtmaschinen - Warum Datenmonopole unsere Zukunft gefährden und wie wir sie brechen (Thomas Ramge, Viktor Mayer-Schönberger) (2021)
- Woran arbeiten wir? - E-Commerce-Plattformen ethnografisch verstehen (Dennis Eckhardt) (2023)
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![]() | Platform Revolution: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (![]() |
![]() | Platform Revolution: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (![]() ![]() |
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