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Clifford A. Shaffer

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This is not an official homepage of Clifford A. Shaffer and it is not possible to contact Clifford A. Shaffer here!

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icon26 Texte von Clifford A. Shaffer Hier finden Sie Texte der gewählten Person, die nicht in den oben aufgelisteten Büchern zu finden sind.

Jahr Volltext Abrufe Text Texttyp
local web  4, 4, 9, 9, 5, 1, 1, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2 Experience: Learner Analytics Data Quality for an eTextbook System (Kyu Han Koh, Eric Fouh, Mohammed F. Farghally, Hossameldin Shahin, Clifford A. Shaffer) Journal-Artikel
1999 local web  An Analysis of a Course-Oriented Electronic Mailing List (Stephen H. Edwards, Clifford A. Shaffer)
erschienen in Computer Science Education 1/1999 (Seite 8 - 22)
2004 local web  Buffer pools and file processing projects for an undergraduate data structures course (Clifford A. Shaffer)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2004 (Seite 175 - 178)
2010 local web  Building an online educational community for algorithm visualization (Clifford A. Shaffer, Thomas L. Naps, Susan H. Rodger, Stephen H. Edwards)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2010 (Seite 475 - 476)
2011 Scheduling and student performance (Clifford A. Shaffer, Stephen H. Edwards)
erschienen in ITiCSE 2011 (Seite 331 - 331)
2011 How educators find educational resources online (Monika Akbar, Weiguo Fan, Lillian N. Cassel, Lois M. L. Delcambre, Clifford A. Shaffer, Edward A. Fox, Yinlin Chen)
erschienen in ITiCSE 2011 (Seite 367 - 367)
2011 local web  Getting algorithm visualizations into the classroom (Clifford A. Shaffer, Monika Akbar, Alexander Joel D. Alon, Michael Stewart 0001, Stephen H. Edwards)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2011 (Seite 129 - 134)
2012 OpenDSA - a creative commons active-ebook (abstract only) (Eric Fouh, Maoyuan Sun, Clifford A. Shaffer)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2012 (Seite 721 - 721)
2012 User type clustering to refine search and browse for educational resources (abstract only) (Monika Akbar, Clifford A. Shaffer)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2012 (Seite 666 - 666)
2013 OpenDSA - using an active eTextbook to teach data structures and algorithms (abstract only) (Eric Fouh, Daniel A. Breakiron, Mai Elshehaly, T. Simin Hall, Ville Karavirta, Clifford A. Shaffer)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2013 (Seite 734 - 734)
2013 Automated generation and grading of programming assignments (abstract only) (Steven C. Shaffer, Clifford A. Shaffer)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2013 (Seite 745 - 745)
2014 local web  Transforming introductory computer science projects via real-time web data (Austin Cory Bart, Eli Tilevich, T. Simin Hall, Tony Allevato, Clifford A. Shaffer)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2014 (Seite 289 - 294)
2014 Creating stimulating, relevant, and manageable introductory computer science projects that utilize real-time web-based data (abstract only) (Eli Tilevich, Clifford A. Shaffer, Austin Cory Bart)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2014 (Seite 743 - 743)
2015 local web  Best Practices for IRB Approval - Four Perspectives (Michael S. Kirkpatrick, Janice E. Cuny, Mark Guzdial, Amanda M. Holland-Minkley, Clifford A. Shaffer)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2015 (Seite 267 - 268)
2015 Open Educational Resources - What Next? (Abstract Only) (Lillian (Boots) Cassel, Cynthia Lee, Clifford A. Shaffer, Darina Dicheva)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2015 (Seite 701 - 701)
2015 local web  Big Data in Computer Science Education Research (Orit Hazzan, Clifford A. Shaffer)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2015 (Seite 591 - 592)
2015 local web  1, 1, 10, 6, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 4, 1, 2 The Effects of Procrastination Interventions on Programming Project Success (Joshua Martin, Stephen H. Edwards, Clifford A. Shaffer)
erschienen in ICER 2015 (Seite 3 - 11)
2016 Visualizing Algorithm Analysis Topics (Abstract Only) (Mohammed F. Farghally, Eric Fouh, Sally Hamouda, Kyu Han Koh, Clifford A. Shaffer)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2016 (Seite 687 - 687)
2016 local web  Instructional Design is to Teaching as Software Engineering is to Programming (Austin Cory Bart, Clifford A. Shaffer)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2016
2016 local web  OpenDSA - An Interactive eTextbook for Computer Science Courses (Clifford A. Shaffer)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2016 (Seite 5 - 5)
2017 local web  Quantifying Incremental Development Practices and Their Relationship to Procrastination (Ayaan M. Kazerouni, Stephen H. Edwards, Clifford A. Shaffer)
erschienen in ICER 2017 (Seite 191 - 199)
2018 An Interactive Tutorial for Learning to Manipulate References - (Abstract Only) (Mostafa Mohammed, Sushma Mandava, Jieun Chon, Margaret Ellis, Clifford A. Shaffer)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2018 (Seite 1084 - 1084) local web 
2018 local web  Reconciling the Promise and Pragmatics of Enhancing Computing Pedagogy with Data Science (Austin Cory Bart, Dennis G. Kafura, Clifford A. Shaffer, Eli Tilevich)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2018 (Seite 1029 - 1034) local web 
2019 local web  Assessing Incremental Testing Practices and Their Impact on Project Outcomes (Ayaan M. Kazerouni, Clifford A. Shaffer, Stephen H. Edwards, Francisco Servant)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2019
2019 local web  Approaches for Coordinating eTextbooks, Online Programming Practice, Automated Grading, and More into One Course (Margaret Ellis, Clifford A. Shaffer, Stephen H. Edwards)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2019
2019 local web  What Have We Talked About? (Austin Cory Bart, Clifford A. Shaffer)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2019

iconBemerkungen von Clifford A. Shaffer

Von Clifford A. Shaffer gibt es im Biblionetz Bemerkungen zu:

KB IB clear
An Analysis of a Course-Oriented Electronic Mailing List, An Interactive Tutorial for Learning to Manipulate References, Approaches for Coordinating eTextbooks, Online Programming Practice, Automated Grading, and More into One Course, Assessing Incremental Testing Practices and Their Impact on Project Outcomes, Automated generation and grading of programming assignments (abstract only), Big Data in Computer Science Education Research, Buffer pools and file processing projects for an undergraduate data structures course, Creating stimulating, relevant, and manageable introductory computer science projects that utilize real-time web-based data (abstract only), Experience: Learner Analytics Data Quality for an eTextbook System, Getting algorithm visualizations into the classroom, Instructional Design is to Teaching as Software Engineering is to Programming, Open Educational Resources, OpenDSA, OpenDSA, OpenDSA, Quantifying Incremental Development Practices and Their Relationship to Procrastination, Reconciling the Promise and Pragmatics of Enhancing Computing Pedagogy with Data Science, The Effects of Procrastination Interventions on Programming Project Success, Transforming introductory computer science projects via real-time web data, User type clustering to refine search and browse for educational resources (abstract only), Visualizing Algorithm Analysis Topics (Abstract Only), What Have We Talked About?



Monika Akbar, Tony Allevato, Daniel A. Breakiron, Lillian N. Cassel, Lillian (Boots) Cassel, Yinlin Chen, Jieun Chon, Austin Cory Bart, Janice E. Cuny, Lois M. L. Delcambre, Darina Dicheva, Stephen H. Edwards, Margaret Ellis, Mai Elshehaly, Weiguo Fan, Mohammed F. Farghally, Eric Fouh, Edward A. Fox, Mark Guzdial, Sally Hamouda, Orit Hazzan, Amanda M. Holland-Minkley, Alexander Joel D. Alon, Dennis G. Kafura, Ville Karavirta, Ayaan M. Kazerouni, Michael S. Kirkpatrick, Kyu Han Koh, Cynthia Lee, Sushma Mandava, Joshua Martin, Mostafa Mohammed, Thomas L. Naps, Susan H. Rodger, Francisco Servant, Steven C. Shaffer, Hossameldin Shahin, T. Simin Hall, Michael Stewart 0001, Maoyuan Sun, Eli Tilevich,

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Auf dem WWW Getting algorithm visualizations into the classroom: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 573 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2020-11-28)
Auf dem WWW The Effects of Procrastination Interventions on Programming Project Success: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 879 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2020-11-28)
Auf dem WWW OpenDSA: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 633 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2020-11-28)
Auf dem WWW Buffer pools and file processing projects for an undergraduate data structures course: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 82 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2020-11-28)
Auf dem WWW Experience: Learner Analytics Data Quality for an eTextbook System: Artikel als Volltext (lokal: PDF, 302 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2020-11-28)
Auf dem WWW Big Data in Computer Science Education Research: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 607 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2020-11-28)
Auf dem WWW An Analysis of a Course-Oriented Electronic Mailing List: Artikel als Volltext (lokal: PDF, 76 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Instructional Design is to Teaching as Software Engineering is to Programming: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 643 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Assessing Incremental Testing Practices and Their Impact on Project Outcomes: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1698 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW What Have We Talked About?: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 2558 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Approaches for Coordinating eTextbooks, Online Programming Practice, Automated Grading, and More into One Course: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1687 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Building an online educational community for algorithm visualization: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 319 kByte; WWW: Link tot Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2020-11-28 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2020-08-11)
Auf dem WWW Transforming introductory computer science projects via real-time web data: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 426 kByte; WWW: Link tot Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2020-11-28 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2020-08-28)
Auf dem WWW Best Practices for IRB Approval: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 295 kByte; WWW: Link tot Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2020-11-28 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2020-08-28)
Auf dem WWW Quantifying Incremental Development Practices and Their Relationship to Procrastination: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 582 kByte; WWW: Link tot Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2020-11-28 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2020-06-28)
Auf dem WWW Reconciling the Promise and Pragmatics of Enhancing Computing Pedagogy with Data Science: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 882 kByte; WWW: Link tot Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2020-11-28 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2020-08-11)

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