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How Exemplary Computer-Using Teachers Differ From Other Teachers

Implications for Realizing the Potential of Computers in Schools
Erstpublikation in: Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 26(3), 291-321
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In a national survey of 516 teachers of Grades 3 through 12, Becker (1994) found that of 51 separate teacher-environment variables, the one that exhibited the largest difference between exemplary computer-using teachers and other computer-using teachers was simply the total number of teachers at their schools who used computers. Becker suggests that teachers "must have access to other people from whom they can learn, either experts who have already mastered the resource or a community of teacher-learners who pool their efforts and share their exploratory findings" (p..303).
Von Kurt Sahl, Mark Windschitl Personenreihenfolge alphabetisch und evtl. nicht korrekt im Text Tracing Teachers' Use of Technology in a Laptop Computer School (2002)
Beat Döbeli HoneggerBecker untersucht, welche Faktoren für das Vorhandensein von sogenannt "beispielhaft computernutzenden Lehrpersonen" verantwortlich sein könnten. In einer Studie von 1989 mit ca. 500 Lehrpersonen wurden ca 5% als computernutzend identifiziert.Mit statistischen Methoden wurde nun versucht, Faktoren zu finden, welche diese 5% von den nicht computernutzenden Lehrpersonen unterschied. Der wichtigste Faktor ist der Anteil der Lehrpersonen an der eigenen Schule, die Computer einsetzen. In Bezug auf ICT-Infrastruktur waren Computernutzende
  • häufiger an Schulen zu finden, die über einen computer coordinator verfügten
  • öfter von diesem zur Nutzung von Computern angehalten worden als dass sie dies aus eigenem Antrieb getan hätten
  • häufig sowohl softwaretechnisch als auch fachspezifisch weitergebildet worden.
Von Beat Döbeli Honegger, erfasst im Biblionetz am 18.12.2005


One of the most important results of these analyses is that nearly all of the advantages that exemplary teachers have in their working environments - that they teach where many other teachers also use computers, that their districts provide relevant and broad-ranging staff development activities, that they have access to computers at school and have the time to use them personally, and that they teach smaller classes - are extensible to other computer-using teachers. It might have been otherwise. We could have found that exemplary computer-using teachers disproportionately taught at elite private schools or at public schools serving wealthy communities, or that they disproportionately taught high-achieving and high-ability students in gifted programs. But that was not the case. Exemplary teachers in our study taught in a representative range of communities, schools, and classrooms; but they taught in schools and districts where resources had been used to nurture and support the kind of teaching practice we classified as exemplary.
Von Henry Becker im Text How Exemplary Computer-Using Teachers Differ From Other Teachers (1994)

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W. J. Pelgrum , Tjeerd Plomp

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LehrerInnen benötigen ICT-AnwenderInnen-Schulung.
LehrerInnen benötigen ICT-Weiterbildung.
LehrerInnen benötigen Weiterbildung zur fachspezifischen ICT-Nutzung im Unterricht (Fachdidaktik).
Schulen benötigen professionellen Informatiksupport!

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Computercomputer , Schuleschool
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
1991 local  The use of computers in education worldwide (W. J. Pelgrum, Tjeerd Plomp) 30, 42, 13, 3, 1, 4, 1, 1, 6, 3, 2 6 5 2 106

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Teachers spend most of their working lives out of sight of other adults. If they are to successfully incorporate a new and complex resource like computer software into their teaching practice, they must have access to other people from whom they can learn, either experts who have already mastered the resource or a community of teacher-learners who pool their efforts and share their exploratory findings. Thus, it is not surprising that we would find that exemplary computer-using teachers are more likely than other computer users to be working in a school with many other computer-using teachers. It is also true that exemplary teachers may themselves create (rather than just be created by) an environment in which many teachers use computers. Nevertheless, it is instructive that of the 51 separate teacher environment variables examined (see Table 3), the one with the largest difference between exemplary and other computer-using teachers was simply the total number of teachers at their school who used computers.
von Henry Becker im Text How Exemplary Computer-Using Teachers Differ From Other Teachers (1994)

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