
Technofeudalism says Yanis Varoufakis, is the new power that is reshaping our lives and the world, and is the greatest current threat to the liberal individual, to our efforts to avert climate catastrophe—and to democracy itself. It also lies behind the new geopolitical tensions, especially the New Cold War between the United States and China.
Drawing on stories from Greek myth and pop culture, from Homer to Mad Men , Varoufakis explains this revolutionary transformation: how it enslaves our minds, how it rewrites the rules of global power, and, ultimately, what it will take overthrow it.
Bemerkungen zu diesem Buch

- The Rise of the Cloudalists and the Demise of Profit
- Escape from Technofeudalism
- 1. Hesiod’s Lament
- 2. Capitalism’s Metamorphoses
- 3. Cloud Capital
- 5. What’s in a Word?
- 6. Technofeudalism’s Global Impact: the New Cold War
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![]() Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | 3D-Drucker in der Schule, Bildung, Datenschutz, Ethereum, Generative Machine-Learning-Systeme (GMLS), GMLS & Bildung, Google, Instagram, Intelligenz, Schule, Siri, Sprachassistenten, Ukraine-Krieg, Wirtschaft |
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