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Tien-Yo (Tim) Pan Reenergizing CS0 in China (2017) local web 
Siehe Reenergizing CS0 in China (2017) local web 
Jianping Pan 0001 Teaching computer networks in a real network (2010) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2010)
Yi Pan 0001 Increasing Security Awareness in Undergraduate Courses with Labware (2016) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2016)
Chris Panagiotakopoulos Educational Robotics and Teaching Introductory Programming Within an Interdisciplinary Framework (2012) local web 
Theories of Learning in Math and Science Educational Software (2014) local web  (erschienen in Research on e-Learning and ICT in Education)
Sethuraman Panchanathan A comprehensive curriculum for IT education and workforce development (2001) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2001)
Katherine A. Panciera Second annual robotics summer camp for underrepresented students (2007) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2007)
Nils Pancratz Siehe Nils Pancratz Siehe Nils Pancratz
Rishin Pandit Teaching Explicit Programming Strategies to Adolescents (2019) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2019)
John Pane The design tree (1989) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 1989)
John F. Pane Studying the Language and Structure in Non-Programmers’ Solutions to Programming Problems (2001) local web 
Siehe Studying the Language and Structure in Non-Programmers’ Solutions to Programming Problems (2001) local web 
Rupi Panesar Awareness and Collaboration in the iHelp Courses Content Management System (2006) local web  (erschienen in Innovative Approaches for Learning and Knowledge Sharing)
Sabrina Panesi Longitudinal approach for introducing programming in italian primary school (2020) local web  (erschienen in WiPSCE '20)
Alex Soojung-Kim Pang Toward a New Literacy of Cooperation in Business (2004) local 
Siehe Toward a New Literacy of Cooperation in Business (2004) local 
Cheong-Iao Pang A method for category similarity calculation in Wikis (2010) local web 
Siehe A method for category similarity calculation in Wikis (2010) local web 
Richard Yuanzhe Pang What do NLP researchers believe? (2022) local web 
Siehe What do NLP researchers believe? (2022) local web 
Luci Pangrazio Critical Data Literacies (2023) local 
Learning to Live with Datafication (2022) local 
Alejandro Paniagua Teachers as Designers of Learning Environments (2018) local web 
Siehe Teachers as Designers of Learning Environments (2018) local web 
Michael Panitz Game-themed programming assignments (2008) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2008)
Stefanie Panke Siehe Stefanie Panke Siehe Stefanie Panke
Uta Pankoke-Babatz Umgebung und menschliches Verhalten (2001) local web  (erschienen in CSCW-Kompendium)
Der Computer als soziales Medium (2001) local web 
Spezifika des CSCW-Designs (2001) local web 
Entwicklung von Groupware als Balance zwischen Anwendern und technischer Innovation (2001) local web 
Cristina Panks-Meloney A Randomized Controlled Trial on the Wild Wild West of Scientific Computing with Student Learners (2019) local web  (erschienen in ICER 2019)
Kees Pannekeet Design Patterns as Guidance for Designers of Groupware used by Team for the Development of Innovative Products (2011) local web  (erschienen in Investigations of E-Learning Patterns)
Kerry Pannell From «Chalk and Talk» to Animate and Collaborate (2006)
Siehe From «Chalk and Talk» to Animate and Collaborate (2006)
Dieter Pannen Vom Netzwerkexperten zum Schul-Informationsmanager (2001) local 
Multimedia zum Mitnehmen local 
Lucia Pannese Simulation as Efficient Support to Learning Business Dynamics (2006) (erschienen in Innovative Approaches for Learning and Knowledge Sharing)
Sebastian Panny Corona-Impfung: Die «Argumente» von Christian Felber im Faktencheck (2021) local web 
Siehe Corona-Impfung: Die «Argumente» von Christian Felber im Faktencheck (2021) local web 
Robert M. Panoff Undergraduate computational science education (panel session) (2000) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2000)
Hans Anand Pant Kompetenzen von Schülerinnen und Schülern am Ende der vierten Jahrgangsstufe in den Fächern Deutsch und Mathematik (2012) local web 
Lernen ohne Noten (2020) local 
Schule in der digitalen Transformation (2018) local web 
Alex Pantaleev Teaching service-oriented programming to CS and SE undergraduate students (abstract only) (2014) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2014)
Dzver (2009) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2009)
Nadia Pantel Angst vor der totalen Überwachung (2019) local web 
Michalis Pantelouris Die unerträgliche Leichtigkeit des Stillseins (2025) local web 
Katarina Pantic How Mother and Father Support Affect Youths' Interest in Computer Science (2018) local web  (erschienen in ICER 2018)
How Near Peer Mentoring Affects Middle School Mentees (2018) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2018)
Ralf Panzieri Wir sind das Netz (2000)  
Alessandra Paone Historiker bangen um ihr Fach (2023) local web 
Es fehlende Tausende Lehrerinnen und Lehrer (2022) local web 
Lehrpersonen ohne Diplom sind bald Geschichte (2023) local web