Computers as Mindtools for SchoolsEngaging Critical Thinking
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23 Erwähnungen 
- Computers as Mindtools for Engaging Critical Thinking and Representing Knowledge (David H. Jonassen)
- Laptop computers in an elementary school - Perspectives on learning environments from students, teachers, administrators, and parents (Susan T. Dinnocenti) (2001)
- Concept Maps - A Theoretical Note on Concepts and the Need for Cyclic Concept Maps (Alberto J. Cañas, Natalia Derbentseva, Frank Safayeni) (2003)
- Learning to Solve Problems with Technology (2nd ed.) - A Constructivist Perspective (David H. Jonassen, Jane Howland, Joi Moore, Rose M. Marra) (2003)
- 1. What is Meaningful Learning? (Jane Howland, David H. Jonassen, Rose M. Marra, Joi Moore)
- 2. Problem Solving Is Meaningful Learning (Jane Howland, David H. Jonassen, Rose M. Marra, Joi Moore)
- 7. Learning by Exploring Microworlds and Virtual Realities (Jane Howland, David H. Jonassen, Rose M. Marra, Joi Moore)
- Learning to Solve Problems - An Instructional Design Guide (David H. Jonassen) (2004)
- Does ICT contribute to powerful learning environments in primary education? (Ed Smeets) (2005)
- Knowledge and Information Visualization - Searching for Synergies (Sigmar-Olaf Tergan, Tanja Keller) (2005)
- Modeling with Technology - Mindtools for Conceptual Change (David H. Jonassen) (2005)
- Wissensmanagement am Gymnasium - Anforderungen an die Wissensgesellschaft (Joseph Maisch) (2006)
- The Strategic Management of E-Learning Support - Findings from American Research Universities (Franziska Zellweger Moser) (2007)
- Ten steps to complex learning - A Systematic Approach to Four-Component Instructional Design (Jeroen van Merriënboer, Paul A. Kirschner) (2007)
- Epistemological and methodological issues for the conceptualization, development, and assessment of ICT-TPCK - Advances in technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) (Charoula Angeli, Nicos Valanides) (2009)
- International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (Joke Voogt, Gerald Knezek) (2009)
- 1. Implications of the Information and Knowledge Society for Education (Ronald E. Anderson)
- 1. Implications of the Information and Knowledge Society for Education (Ronald E. Anderson)
- Handbook of Research on New Media Literacy at the K-12 Level (Leo Tan Wee Hin, R. Subramaniam) (2009)
- Concept Mapping as a Mediator of Constructivist Learning (Gregory MacKinnon)
- Concept Mapping as a Mediator of Constructivist Learning (Gregory MacKinnon)
- Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment (Volume 9) (2010)
- The End of Techno-Critique - The Naked Truth about 1:1 Laptop Initiatives and Educational Change (Mark E. Weston, Alan Bain) (2010)
- The End of Techno-Critique - The Naked Truth about 1:1 Laptop Initiatives and Educational Change (Mark E. Weston, Alan Bain) (2010)
- Lehrmittel - BZL, 28. Jahrgang Heft 1/2010 (Anni Heitzmann, Alois Niggli) (2010)
- Neue Medien - Neue Lehrmittel? - Potenziale und Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung digitaler Lehr- und Lernmedien (Dominik Petko)
- Neue Medien - Neue Lehrmittel? - Potenziale und Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung digitaler Lehr- und Lernmedien (Dominik Petko)
- Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge - Exploring, Developing, and Assessing TPCK (Charoula Angeli, Nicos Valanides) (2015)
- Effect of a TPCK-SRL Model on Teachers’ Pedagogical Beliefs, Self-Efficacy, and Technology-Based Lesson Design (Bracha Kramarski, Tova Michalsky) (2014)
- Effect of a TPCK-SRL Model on Teachers’ Pedagogical Beliefs, Self-Efficacy, and Technology-Based Lesson Design (Bracha Kramarski, Tova Michalsky) (2014)
- Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (Joke Voogt, Gerald Knezek, Rhonda Christensen, Kwok-Wing Lai) (2018)
- Überzeugungen von Lehrpersonen zu digitalen Medien - Eine qualitative Untersuchung zu Entstehung, Bedingungsfaktoren und typenspezifischen Entwicklungsverläufen (Daniela Knüsel) (2020)
- Digital?! - Perspektiven der Digitalisierung für den Lehrerberuf und die Lehrerbildung (Martin Rothland, Simone Herrlinger) (2020)
- Digitales Lehren und Lernen (Jörg Zumbach) (2021)
Co-zitierte Bücher

Benchmarking Access and Use of ICT in European Schools 2006
Final Report from Head Teacher and Classroom Teacher Surveys in 27 European Countries
(Werner B. Korte, Tobias Hüsing) (2006)

Beat und dieses Buch
Beat war Co-Leiter des ICT-Kompetenzzentrums TOP während er dieses Buch ins Biblionetz aufgenommen hat. Die bisher letzte Bearbeitung erfolgte während seiner Zeit am Institut für Medien und Schule. Beat besitzt weder ein physisches noch ein digitales Exemplar. Aufgrund der wenigen Einträge im Biblionetz scheint er es nicht wirklich gelesen zu haben.