
Dieses Buch erwähnt ...
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12 Erwähnungen 
- Theories of the Information Society - 4th Edition (Frank Webster) (1995)
- Research with Children - Perspectives and Practices (Pia Christensen, Allison James) (2000)
- 3. Researching children and childhood in the digital age - (3rd edition) (Sonia Livingstone, Alicia Blum-Ross)
- 3. Researching children and childhood in the digital age - (3rd edition) (Sonia Livingstone, Alicia Blum-Ross)
- Handbuch Medienpädagogik (Uwe Sander, Friederike von Gross, Kai-Uwe Hugger) (2008)
- The Future of the Curriculum - School Knowledge in the Digital Age (Ben Williamson) (2013)
- The participatory web in the context of academic research - Landscapes of change and conflicts (Cristina Costa) (2013)
- The Politics of Education and Technology - Conflicts, Controversies, and Connections (2013)
- Distrusting Educational Technology - Critical Questions for Changing Times (Neil Selwyn) (2013)
- it's complicated - the social lives of networked teens (danah boyd) (2014)
- Peer Pedagogies on Digital Platforms - Learning with Minecraft Let's Play Videos (Michael Dezuanni) (2020)
- New Perspectives in Critical Data Studies - The Ambivalences of Data Power (Andreas Hepp, Juliane Jarke, Leif Kramp) (2022)
- Transnational Networks of Influence - The Twitter Presence of the Quantified Self and Maker Movements’ Organizational Elites (Anne Schmitz, Heiko Kirschner, Andreas Hepp)
- Fighting the “System” - A Pilot Project on the Opacity of Algorithms in Political Communication (Jonathan Bonneau, Laurence Grondin-Robillard, Marc Ménard, André Mondoux)
- Transnational Networks of Influence - The Twitter Presence of the Quantified Self and Maker Movements’ Organizational Elites (Anne Schmitz, Heiko Kirschner, Andreas Hepp)
- Digital ist besser?! - Psychologie der Online- und Mobilkommunikation (Markus Appel, Fabian Hutmacher, Christoph Mengelkamp, Jan-Philipp Stein, Silvana Weber) (2023)
- Onlinedating und Sexting (Maximilian T. P. von Andrian-Werburg, Benjamin P. Lange, Frank Schwab)
- Onlinedating und Sexting (Maximilian T. P. von Andrian-Werburg, Benjamin P. Lange, Frank Schwab)
Co-zitierte Bücher

Bowling alone
(Robert Putnam) (2000)

No Sense of Place
The Impact of Electronic Media on Social Behaviour
(Joshua Meyrowitz) (1985)

Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture
Media Education for the 21st Century
(Henry Jenkins, Katie Clinton, Ravi Purushotma, Alice J. Robison, Margaret Weigel) (2006)

Living and Learning with New Media
Summary of Findings from the Digital Youth Project
(Mizuko Ito, Heather Horst, Matteo Bittanti, danah boyd, Becky Herr-Stephenson, Patricia G. Lange, C.J. Pascoe, Laura Robinson) (2008)

Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out
kids living and learning with new media
(Mizuko Ito, Sonja Baumer, Matteo Bittanti, danah boyd, Rachel Cody, Becky Herr-Stephenson, Heather Horst, Patricia G. Lange, Dilan Mahendran, Katynka Z. Martínez, C.J. Pascoe, Dan Perkel, Laura Robinson, Christo Sims, Lisa Tripp) (2010)

How blogs, MySpace, YouTube, and the rest of today's user-generated media are destroying our economy, our culture, and our values
(Andrew Keen) (2008)
Deconstructing Digital Natives
(Michael Thomas) (2011)
Volltext dieses Dokuments
Beat und dieses Buch
Beat hat dieses Buch während seiner Zeit am Institut für Medien und Schule (IMS) ins Biblionetz aufgenommen. Beat besitzt kein physisches, aber ein digitales Exemplar. (das er aber aus Urheberrechtsgründen nicht einfach weitergeben darf). Aufgrund der wenigen Einträge im Biblionetz scheint er es nicht wirklich gelesen zu haben.