
This volume introduces some of the major controversies surrounding the computerization of society and helps readers recognize the social processes that drive and shape computerization.
Division into eight provocatively titled sections facilitates course planning for classroom or seminar use. A lead article for each section frames the major controversies, locates the selections within the debates, and points to other relevant literature
- The strange Case of the Electronic Lover (Lindsay Van Gelder)
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![]() Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Daten, Dienste-Plattform, Eltern, Gesellschaft, Hochschule, Informatik-Didaktik, Informatik-Unterricht (Fachinformatik), Kinder, Protokoll-Plattform, Schweiz, Unterricht, Virtualität |
Zitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)
20 Erwähnungen 
- Quick, where do the computers go? (Elliot Soloway) (1991)
- SIGCSE 1993 - Proceedings of the 24th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1993, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, February 18-19, 1993 (Bruce J. Klein, Cary Laxer, Frank H. Young) (1993)
- An improved first year course taking into account third world students (Conrad Mueller, Sheila Rock, Ian D. Sanders) (1993)
- An improved first year course taking into account third world students (Conrad Mueller, Sheila Rock, Ian D. Sanders) (1993)
- Leben im Netz - Identität in Zeiten des Internet (Sherry Turkle) (1995)
- Computerization and Controversy - Value Conflicts and Social Choices (Rob Kling) (1996)
- Data Smog - Surviving the Information Glut (David Shenk) (1997)
- SIGCSE 1997 - Proceedings of the 28th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1997, San Jose, California, USA, February 27 - March 1, 1997 (Curt M. White, Carl Erickson, Bruce J. Klein, James E. Miller) (1997)
- Teaching social and ethical issues in the literacy course (Jane Turk, Samuel J. Wiley) (1997)
- Teaching social and ethical issues in the literacy course (Jane Turk, Samuel J. Wiley) (1997)
- The supplemental proceedings of the conference on Integrating technology into computer science education - working group reports and supplemental proceedings, ITiCSE-WGR 1997, Uppsala, Sweden, 1-5 June, 1997 (Lillian N. Cassel, Mats Daniels) (1997)
- The case for integrating ethical and social impact into the computer science curriculum (C. Dianne Martin) (1997)
- Using information technology to integrate social and ethical issues into the computer science and information systems curriculum (report of the ITiCSE (Mary J. Granger, Joyce Currie Little, Elizabeth S. Adams, Christina Björkman, Don Gotterbarn, Diana D. Juettner, C. Dianne Martin, Frank H. Young) (1997)
- The case for integrating ethical and social impact into the computer science curriculum (C. Dianne Martin) (1997)
- Technology and Privacy - The New Landscape (Philip E. Agre, Marc Rotenberg) (1998)
- Digitaler Campus - Vom Medienprojekt zum nachhaltigen Medieneinsatz in der Hochschule (Michael Kerres, Britta Voß) (2003)
- Technical and Didactical Scenarios of Studentcentered Teaching and Learning
- Technical and Didactical Scenarios of Studentcentered Teaching and Learning
- The Science of Computing - Shaping a Discipline (Matti Tedre) (2004)
- Knowledge and Information Visualization - Searching for Synergies (Sigmar-Olaf Tergan, Tanja Keller) (2005)
- Building the Knowledge Society on the Internet - Sharing and Exchanging Knowledge in Networked Environments (Ettore Bolisani) (2008)
- Computer Science Education 3/2008 (2008)
- Three traditions of computing - what educators should know (Matti Tedre, Erkki Sutinen) (2008)
- Three traditions of computing - what educators should know (Matti Tedre, Erkki Sutinen) (2008)
- Philosophical Frameworks for Understanding Information Systems (Andrew Basden) (2008)
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Governing Through Technology - Information Artefacts and Social Practice (Technology, Work and Globalization) (Jannis Kallinikos) (2011)
- Education and Technology - Key Issues and Debates (Neil Selwyn) (2011)
- 7. Will Technology Displace the School?
- 7. Will Technology Displace the School?
- Everyday Schooling in the Digital Age - High School, High Tech? (Neil Selwyn, Selena Nemorin, Scott Bulfin, Nicola F. Johnson) (2017)
- Praktiken der Überwachten - Öffentlichkeit und Privatheit im Web 2.0 (Martin Stempfhuber, Elke Wagner) (2018)
- 3. The Virtual Sphere. The Internet as a Public Sphere (Zizi Papacharissi)
- 3. The Virtual Sphere. The Internet as a Public Sphere (Zizi Papacharissi)
- Should you believe Wikipedia? - Online Communities and the Construction of Knowledge (Amy Bruckman) (2022)
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Beat und dieses Buch
Beat hat dieses Buch vor seiner Dissertation ins Biblionetz aufgenommen. Die bisher letzte Bearbeitung erfolgte während seiner Zeit am Institut für Medien und Schule. Beat besitzt kein physisches, aber ein digitales Exemplar. (das er aber aus Urheberrechtsgründen nicht einfach weitergeben darf).