Personen KB IB clear | Francis Bacon
, Eric Berne
, Tim Berners-Lee
, Richard Boyatzis
, Vannevar Bush
, Tony Buzan
, Robert Cailliau
, Manuel Castells
, James Champy
, Clayton Christensen
, Pamela Dargan
, Lang Davison
, Peter Drucker
, Robert Dunham
, Albert Einstein
, Fernando Flores
, Bill Gates
, Malcolm Gladwell
, Daniel Goleman
, Peter Hall
, Michael Hammer
, Bala Iyer
, Steve Jobs
, Mark Johnson
, Alan Kay
, Gary Kildall
, Ray Kurzweil
, Bruno Latour
, Craig Martell
, Annie McKee
, Gordon Moore
, Isaac Newton
, Barack Obama
, Jean Piaget
, Clotaire Rapaille
, Byron Reeves
, Howard Rheingold
, Bertrand Russell
, Roger Schank
, Eric Schmidt
, Joseph Schumpeter
, Clay Shirky
, Donald Stokes
 Begriffe KB IB clear | Brainstorming Brainstorming
, Chaoschaos
, Charisma
, CO2-Fussabdruck
, CommunityCommunity
, Computer computer
, ContentContent
, Copyright Copyright
, creative commons creative commons
, crowdsourcingcrowdsourcing
, Curriculum / Lehrplancurriculum
, Design design
, Diagramm
, Digitalisierung
, Dilemma
, DynabookDynabook
, E-Commerce E-Commerce
, Einfachheitsimplicity
, E-Mail e-mail
, Emotionen emotions
, E-Sciencee-Science
, Ethikethics
, facebook
, flickr
, Frankreich
, Frieden peace
, Gehirn brain
, Geschäftsmodell business model
, Globalisierung globalization
, Google
, Great principles of Computing (GPoC)
, Hyperlink Hyperlink
, Hypertext hypertext
, IndienIndia
, Informatikcomputer science
, Informationinformation
, Informationsflut information overflow
, Informationsmanagementinformation management
, Innovation innovation
, Internet internet
, iPhone
, Japan
, Kommunikation communication
, Kontextcontext
, Kreativität creativity
, Lernen learning
, LinkedIn
, Linux
, Mac OS X
, Management management
, Marketingmarketing
, MashupMashup
, MemexMemex
, Memorability (Usability-Dimension)Memorability
, Microsoft
, Mind Map Mind Map
, Museum exhibition
, Netzwerk network
, Novell
, Offenheit openness
, Paradigmaparadigm
, patternpattern
, Perturbationperturbation
, Privatsphäre privacy
, Problemlösefähigkeit problem solving skills
, Prognose
, Programmieren programming
, Projektmanagement project management
, Realitätreality
, RSS Really Simple Syndication
, Russland
, Second lifeSecond life
, Simulation
, social network analysissocial network analysis
, Sony
, soziales Kapital
, SpamSpam
, Spracherkennungvoice recognition
, storytellingstorytelling
, Struktur structure
, Technologie technology
, Theorietheory
, Vertrauen trust
, Wikipedia
, Wissenschaft science
, World of Warcraft
, WWW (World Wide Web) World Wide Web
, YouTube
 Bücher | Jahr | | Umschlag | Titel | Abrufe | IB | OB | KB | LB |
1993 | |
Reengineering the corporation (James Champy, Michael Hammer) | 14, 11, 9, 8, 9, 13, 4, 4, 7, 6, 5, 2 |
26 |
1 |
2 |
253 |