Educational Roboter Educational Roboter
Educational Roboter, educational robotics
Von Beat Döbeli Honegger, erfasst im Biblionetz am 06.01.2021

In den letzten Jahren beobachte ich zahlreiche zweifelhafte Versuche aufzuzeigen, dass sich Roboter in allen Fächern nutzen lassen. Egal ob dabei ein Roboter eine Buchstabentabelle abfährt um Wörter zu bilden oder ob ein Roboter dem Verdauungssystem entlangfährt: Der Einsatz des Roboters wirkt eher künstlich und gesucht.
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Erwähnungen auf anderen Websites im Umfeld von Beat Döbeli Honegger
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Grundlagen der Informatik 16/17 | Algorithmen | 30.06.2016 |
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31 Erwähnungen 
- Detektiv Ozobot Evo auf geheimer Mission - Gelingt es ihm die geometrischen Formen und Figuren im Netz der Mathematik aufzuspüren? (Michelle Baumgart, Katharina Polenk, Lisa Schmeiduch, Eva Stroetmann)
- Blocks to Robots - Learning with Technology in the Early Childhood Classroom (Marina Umaschi Bers) (2007)
- Early Mathematics Learning Through Exploration with Programmable Toys (Kate Highfield, Joanne Mulligan, John Hedberg) (2008)
- Informatics Education - Supporting Computational Thinking - Third International Conference on Informatics in Secondary Schools - Evolution and Perspectives, ISSEP 2008, Torun, Poland, July 1-4, 2008, Proceedings (Roland Mittermeir, Maciej M. Syslo) (2008)
- Proposal for Teaching Manufacturing and Control Programming Using Autonomous Mobile Robots with an Arm (Shuji Kurebayashi, Hiroyuki Aoki, Toshiyuki Kamada, Susumu Kanemune, Yasushi Kuno) (2008)
- Proposal for Teaching Manufacturing and Control Programming Using Autonomous Mobile Robots with an Arm (Shuji Kurebayashi, Hiroyuki Aoki, Toshiyuki Kamada, Susumu Kanemune, Yasushi Kuno) (2008)
- Kindergarten Children Programming Robots - A First Attempt (Kerstin Stöckelmayr, Michael Tesar, Alexander Hofmann) (2011)
- Research on e-Learning and ICT in Education (Athanassios Jimoyiannis) (2012)
- 15. Educational Robotics and Teaching Introductory Programming Within an Interdisciplinary Framework (Anthi Karatrantou, Chris Panagiotakopoulos)
- 15. Educational Robotics and Teaching Introductory Programming Within an Interdisciplinary Framework (Anthi Karatrantou, Chris Panagiotakopoulos)
- EmbedIT - an Open Robotic Kit for Education (Dorit Assaf) (2013)
- Research on e-Learning and ICT in Education - Technological, Pedagogical and Instructional Perspectives (Charalampos Karagiannidis, Panagiotis Politis, Ilias Karasavvidis) (2014)
- 8. Robotics and Programming Concepts in Early Childhood Education - A Conceptual Framework for Designing Educational Scenarios (Anastasia Misirli, Vassilis Komis) (2014)
- 8. Robotics and Programming Concepts in Early Childhood Education - A Conceptual Framework for Designing Educational Scenarios (Anastasia Misirli, Vassilis Komis) (2014)
- KEYCIT 2014 - Key Competencies in Informatics and ICT (Torsten Brinda, Nicholas Reynolds, Ralf Romeike) (2014)
- Proceedings of the Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, WiPSCE 2015, London, United Kingdom, November 9-11, 2015 (Judith Gal-Ezer, Sue Sentance, Jan Vahrenhold) (2015)
- Introducing Computer Programming to Children through Robotic and Wearable Devices (Alexandros Merkouris, Konstantinos Chorianopoulos) (2015)
- Introducing Computer Programming to Children through Robotic and Wearable Devices (Alexandros Merkouris, Konstantinos Chorianopoulos) (2015)
- Proceedings of the 11th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education (WiPSCE 2016) - Münster, Germany, October 13-15, 2016 (Jan Vahrenhold, Erik Barendsen) (2016)
- Educational Robotics in the service of CSE - A study based on the PanHellenic competition (Anastasios Theodoropoulos, Angeliki Antoniou, George Lepouras) (2016)
- Educational Robotics in the service of CSE - A study based on the PanHellenic competition (Anastasios Theodoropoulos, Angeliki Antoniou, George Lepouras) (2016)
- Constructionism 2018 - August 20-25, Vilnius, Lithunia (Valentina Dagiene, Eglė Jasute) (2018)
- Koli Calling 2018 - Proceedings of the 18th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, Koli, Finland, November 22-25, 2018 (Mike Joy, Petri Ihantola) (2018)
- The Teacher's Role in Educational Robotics Competitions (Nicolai Pöhner, Martin Hennecke) (2018)
- The Teacher's Role in Educational Robotics Competitions (Nicolai Pöhner, Martin Hennecke) (2018)
- Informatics in Schools: Fundamentals of Computer Science and Software Engineering (Sergei Pozdniakov, Valentina Dagienė) (2018)
- How an Ambitious Informatics Curriculum Can Influence Algebraic Thinking of Primary School Children (Francesca Agatolio, Fabio Albanese, Michele Moro)
- How an Ambitious Informatics Curriculum Can Influence Algebraic Thinking of Primary School Children (Francesca Agatolio, Fabio Albanese, Michele Moro)
- hep magazin 10 (2019)
- Roboter und KI kommen in die Schule - Mit Thymio, Mindstorms und Ozobot rollt die Zukunft an (Roger Portmann)
- Roboter und KI kommen in die Schule - Mit Thymio, Mindstorms und Ozobot rollt die Zukunft an (Roger Portmann)
- Lehraktivitäten mit Thymio - Entwicklung von Logik, Beobachtungsgabe und wissenschaftlicher Methode mithilfe von Robotern und der visuellen ereignisgesteuerten Programmierung (Paolo Rossetti) (2020)
- Karten mit Lehraktivitäten (Paolo Rossetti) (2020)
- Constructionism 2020 (Brendan Tangney, Jake Rowan Byrne, Carina Girvan) (2020)
- WiPSCE '20 - Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, Virtual Event, Germany, October 28-30, 2020 (Torsten Brinda, Michal Armoni) (2020)
- Effects of robotics courses on student's attitude, motivation, self-concept and self-efficacy - an empirical study (Florian Kempf, Sandra Schulz, Niels Pinkwart) (2020)
- Programming an educational robot with 5-6 year-old children (Martina Benvenuti, Augusto Chioccariello) (2020)
- Effects of robotics courses on student's attitude, motivation, self-concept and self-efficacy - an empirical study (Florian Kempf, Sandra Schulz, Niels Pinkwart) (2020)
- Informatics in Schools. Rethinking Computing Education - 14th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2021, Virtual Event, November 3–5, 2021 (Erik Barendsen, Christos Chytas) (2021)
- Computational Thinking in Context Across Curriculum - Students’ and Teachers’ Perspectives (Natasa Grgurina, Sabiha Yeni)
- Computational Thinking in Context Across Curriculum - Students’ and Teachers’ Perspectives (Natasa Grgurina, Sabiha Yeni)
- WiPSCE '22 - The 17th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, Morschach, Switzerland, 31 October 2022 - 2 November 2022 (Mareen Grillenberger, Marc Berges) (2022)
- «Roteco» - a Swiss teacher community for educational robotics (Dorit Assaf, Sophia Reyes Mury, Lucio Negrini, Melissa Skweres) (2022)
- 5. Common Problems and Effects of Feedback on Fun When Programming Ozobots in Primary School (Luisa Greifenstein, Isabella Graßl, Ute Heuer, Gordon Fraser) (2022)
- «Roteco» - a Swiss teacher community for educational robotics (Dorit Assaf, Sophia Reyes Mury, Lucio Negrini, Melissa Skweres) (2022)
- Grundschule und Digitalität - Grundlagen, Herausforderungen, Praxisbeispiele (Thomas Irion, Markus Peschel, Daniela Schmeinck) (2023)
- Mehr als Coden - Informatische Bildung in der Primarstufe (Hans Peter Bergmann)
- Computational Thinking in der Grundschule am Beispiel von LEGO Education SPIKE Essential
- Mehr als Coden - Informatische Bildung in der Primarstufe (Hans Peter Bergmann)
- Teaching Coding in K-12 Schools - Research and Application (Therese Keane, Andrew Fluck) (2023)
- Teaching Coding in Kindergarten - Supporting Students’ Activity with Robot Coding Toys (Jessica F. Shumway, Jody Clarke-Midura, Victor R. Lee, Deborah Silvis, Lise E. Welch Bond, Joseph S. Kozlowski)
- Teaching Coding in Kindergarten - Supporting Students’ Activity with Robot Coding Toys (Jessica F. Shumway, Jody Clarke-Midura, Victor R. Lee, Deborah Silvis, Lise E. Welch Bond, Joseph S. Kozlowski)
- Informatikunterricht: Meh als Word, imfall! (Christina Utzinger) (2023)
- Das Potential von Physical Computing als Teil von Schultheaterprojekten (Christian Renggli) (2023)
- Informatics in Schools. Beyond Bits and Bytes: Nurturing Informatics Intelligence in Education - 16th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2023, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 23–25, 2023 (Jean-Philippe Pellet, Gabriel Parriaux) (2023)
- Combining Models to Orchestrate an Instructional Scenario Fostering Computational Thinking in Educational Robotics (Frankie Dubois, Stephanie Burton, Patrick Wang, Morgane Chevalier)
- Teachers’ Knowledge in Informatics - Exploring Educational Robotics Resources Through the Lens of Textual Data Analysis (Gabriel Parriaux, Christophe Reffay, Béatrice Drot-Delange, Mehdi Khaneboubi)
- Combining Models to Orchestrate an Instructional Scenario Fostering Computational Thinking in Educational Robotics (Frankie Dubois, Stephanie Burton, Patrick Wang, Morgane Chevalier)
- Professionelle digitale Kompetenz bei Lehramtsstudierenden fördern! - Wie kann Computational Thinking durch den Einsatz von Bildungsrobotik in der Hochschullehre vermittelt werden? (Raphael Fehrmann) (2024)
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