
- 1. Learning about learning (Seite 1 - 14)
- 2. Concept mapping for meaningful learning (Seite 15 - 54)
- 4. New strategies for instructional planning (Seite 77 - 92)
- 5. New strategies for evaluation: concept mapping (Seite 93)
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![]() Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Bildung, Cmap Tools, Concept Mapping Software, Digitalisierung, K2 comprehension / Verständnis, K3 application / Anwendung, Kinder, LehrerIn, Mappingverfahren, Mind Map, Neuron, Schule, Sprachenlernen, Taxonomie von Bloom (affektiver Bereich), Taxonomie von Bloom (psychomotorischer Bereich), Unterricht |
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42 Erwähnungen 
- Collaborative Concept Mapping on the World Wide Web (Xavier Gilbert, Gil Regev, Alain Wegmann)
- The Theory Underlying Concept Maps and How To Construct Them (Joseph D. Novak)
- Knowledge Maps - Tools for Building Structure in Mathematics (Astrid Brinkmann)
- Building Structure in Mathematics Within Teaching and Learning Processes - A Study on Teachers' Input and Students' Achievement (Astrid Brinkmann)
- Learning, Creating, and Using Knowledge - Concept Maps as the Facilitative Tools in Schools and Corporations (Joseph D. Novak) (1998)
- 3. Meaningful Learning for Empowerment
- Teaching Science for Understanding - A Human Constructivist View (James Wandersee, Joel Mintzes, Joseph D. Novak) (1998)
- 1. The pursuit of a dream - Education can be improved (Joseph D. Novak)
- 1. The pursuit of a dream - Education can be improved (Joseph D. Novak)
- Managing, Mapping, and Manipulating Conceptual Knowledge (Alberto J. Cañas, David B. Leake, David C. Wilson) (1999)
- Wissen sichtbar machen - Wissensmanagement mit Mappingtechniken (Heinz Mandl, Frank Fischer) (2000)
- Mappingverfahren zur Wissensorganisation - Diplomarbeit (Heiko Haller) (2002)
- Pocket PiCoMap - a case study in designing and assessing a handheld concept mapping tool for learners (Kathleen Luchini, Chris Quintana, Elliot Soloway) (2003)
- Concept Maps - A Theoretical Note on Concepts and the Need for Cyclic Concept Maps (Alberto J. Cañas, Natalia Derbentseva, Frank Safayeni) (2003)
- Design Guidelines for Learner-Centered Handheld Tools (Kathleen Luchini, Chris Quintana, Elliot Soloway) (2004)
- MAPA - A Mapping Architecture for People’s Associations - Abschlussbericht des Studentenprojekts MAPA im Masterprogramm Cognitive Science an der Universität Osnabrück (Gordon Bernedo, Manuel Boeck, Michael Elbers, Stefan Scherbaum, Tobias Widdra, Jens Wissmann, Nadja Althaus, Kathrin Beck, Jasmine Bennöhr, Petra Ludewig, Veit Reuer, Claus R. Rollinger) (2004)
- Conceiving of Concept Maps To Foster Meaningful Learning - An Interview with Joseph D. Novak (Joseph D. Novak, Liberato Cardellini) (2004)
- Psychologie des Wissensmanagements (Gabi Reinmann, Heinz Mandl) (2004)
- COE: Tools for Collaborative Ontology Development and Reuse (Pat Hayes, Thomas Eskridge, Mala Mehrotra, Dmitri Bobrovnikoff, Thomas Reichherzer, Raul Saavedra) (2005)
- Concept Maps: Theory, methodology, technology - Proceedings of the 1st international conference on concept mapping (Alberto J. Cañas, F. M. González, Joseph D. Novak) (2005)
- Varieties of Concept Mapping (Mauri Åhlberg)
- Using Concept Maps with Adult Students in Higher Education (Barbara J. Daley)
- From Thought Conceptual Maps CmapTools as a Writing System (Liviana Giombini)
- CmapTools - A Knowledge Modeling and Sharing Environment (Alberto J. Cañas, Greg Hill, Roger Carff, Niranjan Suri, James Lott, Gloria Gómez, Thomas Eskridge, Mario Arroyo, Rodrigo Carvajal)
- A Science Education Research Program that Led to the Development of the Concept Mapping Tool and a New Model for Education (Joseph D. Novak)
- Building on New Constructivist Ideas and CmapTools to Create a New Model for Education (Joseph D. Novak, Alberto J. Cañas)
- Varieties of Concept Mapping (Mauri Åhlberg)
- Knowledge and Information Visualization - Searching for Synergies (Sigmar-Olaf Tergan, Tanja Keller) (2005)
- 1. Visualizing Knowledge and Information - An Introduction (Tanja Keller, Sigmar-Olaf Tergan)
- 10. Digital Concept Maps for Managing Knowledge and Information (Sigmar-Olaf Tergan)
- 11. Concept Maps - Integrating Knowledge and Information Visualization (Alberto J. Cañas, Roger Carff, Greg Hill, Marco Carvalho, Marco Arguedas, Thomas Eskridge, James Lott, Rodrigo Carvajal)
- 15. LEO: A Concept Map Based Course Visualization Tool for Instructors and Students (John W. Coffey)
- 1. Visualizing Knowledge and Information - An Introduction (Tanja Keller, Sigmar-Olaf Tergan)
- Concept Maps & E-Learning (Sigmar-Olaf Tergan) (2005)
- Semantic Web - Wege zur vernetzten Wissensgesellschaft (Tassilo Pellegrini, Andreas Blumauer) (2006)
- Knowledge Visualization - Die nächste Herausforderung für Semantic Web Forschende? (Remo A. Burkhard)
- Knowledge Visualization - Die nächste Herausforderung für Semantic Web Forschende? (Remo A. Burkhard)
- Second International Conference on Concept Mapping (Alberto J. Cañas, Joseph D. Novak) (2006)
- El Empleo de los Mapas Conceptuales en la Educación Superior Universitaria (María Eugenia Venegas)
- Complex Thought, Conceptual Maps And CmapTools (Liviana Giombini)
- El Empleo de los Mapas Conceptuales en la Educación Superior Universitaria (María Eugenia Venegas)
- Interaktive Maps - Zugriffsinstrumente auf große Textmengen (Raja Gumienny) (2007)
- Wissenswege - Methoden für das persönliche Wissensmanagement (Gabi Reinmann, Martin Jürg Eppler) (2007)
- Third International Conference on Concept Mapping (Alberto J. Cañas, Priit Reiska, Mauri Åhlberg, Joseph D. Novak) (2008)
- Impact Concept Mapping Has On Pre-service Teachers Understanding of Science Content Knowledge And Development Of Their Science Pedagogy (Sumitra Himangshu, Richard Iuli, Martha Venn)
- Impact Concept Mapping Has On Pre-service Teachers Understanding of Science Content Knowledge And Development Of Their Science Pedagogy (Sumitra Himangshu, Richard Iuli, Martha Venn)
- Handbook of Research on New Media Literacy at the K-12 Level (Leo Tan Wee Hin, R. Subramaniam) (2009)
- Concept Mapping as a Mediator of Constructivist Learning (Gregory MacKinnon)
- Concept Mapping as a Mediator of Constructivist Learning (Gregory MacKinnon)
- Looking Toward the Future of Technology-Enhanced Education (Martin Ebner, Mandy Schiefner) (2009)
- Concept Mapping - eine Lernstrategie muss man lernen (Elke Sumfleth, Jasmin Neuroth, Detlef Leutner) (2010)
- Technology enhanced collaborative learning in projects - Dimensions of knowledge building: student’s activity, collaboration and communication (Michele Notari) (2012)
- The ICAP Framework - Linking Cognitive Engagement to Active Learning Outcomes (Michelene T. H. Chi, Ruth Wylie) (2014)
- A study of multi-phase guided remedial learning (YuLung Wu) (2014)
- Vorstellungen von Lernenden zum Aufbau von Informatiksystemen - eine multimethodische Untersuchung von Lernvoraussetzungen zum Denken in Teilen von Ganzen (Nils Pancratz) (2021)
- Digitale Kulturen der Lehre entwickeln (Lorenz Mrohs, Julia Franz, Dominik Herrmann, Konstantin Lindner, Thorsten Staake) (2024)
- Digitalität und Interkulturalität Hand in Hand - Ausbau der Technologieakzeptanz und interkulturellen Kompetenz von Lehramtsstudierenden (Andreas Paffenholz, Christoph Dähling, Jutta Standop, Alfred Weinberger)
- Digitalität und Interkulturalität Hand in Hand - Ausbau der Technologieakzeptanz und interkulturellen Kompetenz von Lehramtsstudierenden (Andreas Paffenholz, Christoph Dähling, Jutta Standop, Alfred Weinberger)
Co-zitierte Bücher

Learning, Creating, and Using Knowledge
Concept Maps as the Facilitative Tools in Schools and Corporations
(Joseph D. Novak) (1998)

Teaching Science for Understanding
A Human Constructivist View
(James Wandersee, Joel Mintzes, Joseph D. Novak) (1998)

A Theory of Education
(Joseph D. Novak) (1977)
The Psychology of Meaningful Verbal Learning
(D.P. Ausubel) (1963)

Readings in Information Visualization
Using Vision to Think
(S. Card, J. Mackinlay, Ben Shneiderman) (1999)
Techniques for representing, assessing, and acquiring structural knowledge
(David H. Jonassen, Katherine Beissner, Michael Yacci) (1993)
Modelle der Wissensrepräsentation als Grundlage qualitativer Wissensdiagnostik
(Sigmar-Olaf Tergan) (1988)
Mappingverfahren als kognitive Werkzeuge für problemorientiertes Lernen
(Falk Fischer) (1998)
Wie Individuen und Organisationen Kompetenz entwickeln
(Gilbert Probst, A. Deussen, Martin Jürg Eppler, S. P. Raub) (2000) Bei amazon.de anschauen
Volltext dieses Dokuments
Beat und dieses Buch
Beat war Co-Leiter des ICT-Kompetenzzentrums TOP während er dieses Buch ins Biblionetz aufgenommen hat. Die bisher letzte Bearbeitung erfolgte während seiner Zeit am Institut für Medien und Schule. Beat besitzt ein physisches und ein digitales Exemplar. (das er aber aus Urheberrechtsgründen nicht einfach weitergeben darf).