ITiCSE 2008
Proceedings of the 13th Annual SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE 2008, Madrid, Spain, June 30 - July 2, 2008

- What is web science and why is it important to CSE (Seite 1 - 2) (Wendy Hall) (2008)
- Scalable apprenticeships - reconnecting students through technology (Seite 3 - 4) (Philip D. Long) (2008)
- Neither rocket science nor washing machine science, but computer science (Seite 5 - 6) (Roger D. Boyle) (2008)
- ROSE - a repository of education-friendly open-source projects (Seite 7 - 11) (Andrew Meneely, Laurie A. Williams, Edward F. Gehringer) (2008)
- Automatic creation of indexed presentations from classroom lectures (Seite 12 - 16) (Paul E. Dickson, W. Richards Adrion, Allen R. Hanson) (2008)
- Question answering from lecture videos based on an automatic semantic annotation (Seite 17 - 21) (Stephan Repp, Serge Linckels, Christoph Meinel) (2008)
- An open integrated exploratorium for database courses (Seite 22 - 26) (Peter Brusilovsky, Sergey A. Sosnovsky, Danielle H. Lee, Michael Yudelson, Vladimir Zadorozhny, Xin Zhou) (2008)
- Databases, non-majors and collaborative learning - a ternary relationships (Seite 27 - 31) (Don Goelman) (2008)
- Using accessible digital resources for teaching database design - towards an inclusive distance learning proposal (Seite 32 - 36) (Lourdes Moreno, Ana Iglesias, Elena Castro, Paloma Martínez) (2008)
- ClockIt - collecting quantitative data on how beginning software developers really work (Seite 37 - 41) (Cindy Norris, E. Frank Barry, James B. Fenwick Jr., Kathryn Reid, Josh Rountree) (2008)
- Teaching an object-oriented CS1 - - with Python (Seite 42 - 46) (Michael H. Goldwasser, David Letscher) (2008)
- Evaluating OO example programs for CS1 (Seite 47 - 52) (Jürgen Börstler, Henrik Bærbak Christensen, Jens Bennedsen, Marie Nordström, Lena Kallin Westin, Jan Erik Moström, Michael E. Caspersen) (2008)
- Reductive thinking in a quantitative perspective - the case of the algorithm course (Seite 53 - 57) (Michal Armoni) (2008)
- Jenuity - a lightweight development environment for intermediate level programming courses (Seite 58 - 62) (Martin van Tonder, Kevin Naude, Charmain Cilliers) (2008)
- Teaching computer aided software engineering at the graduate level (Seite 63 - 67) (Marcelo Jenkins) (2008)
- A set of tools to teach compiler construction (Seite 68 - 72) (Akim Demaille, Roland Levillain, Benoît Perrot) (2008)
- Student use of the PeerWise system (Seite 73 - 77) (Paul Denny, Andrew Luxton-Reilly, John Hamer) (2008)
- Assessment and comparison of local and global SW engineering practices in a classroom setting (Seite 78 - 82) (Dragutin Petkovic, Gary D. Thompson, Rainer Todtenhoefer) (2008)
- A tablet-based paper exam grading system (Seite 83 - 87) (Aaron Bloomfield, James F. Groves) (2008)
- Assessing students' practice of professional values (Seite 88 - 92) (Ursula Fuller, Bob Keim) (2008)
- Electronic voting on-the-fly with mobile devices (Seite 93 - 97) (Margarita Esponda) (2008)
- How to teach semantic web? - a project-based approach (Seite 98 - 102) (Belén Díaz-Agudo, Guillermo Jiménez-Díaz, Juan A. Recio-García) (2008)
- Exploring accessibility and visibility relationships in java (Seite 103 - 108) (James H. Cross II, T. Dean Hendrix, David A. Umphress, Larry A. Barowski) (2008)
- A graphics-based approach to data structures (Seite 109 - 113) (Sarah Matzko, Timothy A. Davis) (2008)
- A data type to exploit online data sources (Seite 114 - 118) (Matthew Thornton, Stephen H. Edwards) (2008)
- Teaching students to develop thread-safe java classes (Seite 119 - 123) (Alan David Fekete) (2008)
- Test-driven development in education - experiences with critical viewpoints (Seite 124 - 127) (Sami Kollanus, Ville Isomöttönen) (2008)
- An environment for supporting active learning in courses on language processing (Seite 128 - 132) (José Luis Sierra, Ana M. Fernández-Pampillón Cesteros, Alfredo Fernández-Valmayor) (2008)
- Hypertextbooks and a Hypertextbook authoring environment (Seite 133 - 137) (Rockford J. Ross) (2008)
- VDE - an emulation environment for supporting computer networking courses (Seite 138 - 142) (Michael Goldweber, Renzo Davoli) (2008)
- Spamulator - the Internet on a laptop (Seite 142 - 147) (John Aycock, Heather Crawford, Rennie deGraaf) (2008)
- Building an economical VR system for CS education (Seite 148 - 152) (Joel C. Adams, Joshua Hotrop) (2008)
- Virtual chat in an enquiry-based team project (Seite 153 - 157) (Adrian Albin-Clark) (2008)
- A development environment for distributed synchronous collaborative programming (Seite 158 - 162) (Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, August A. Dwight, R. Taylor Fondren, Mladen A. Vouk, James C. Lester) (2008)
- Group work support for the BlueJ IDE (Seite 163 - 168) (Kasper Fisker, David McCall, Michael Kölling, Bruce Quig) (2008)
- Perceived behavior control and its influence on the adoption of software tools (Seite 169 - 173) (Ronit Ben-Bassat Levy, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2008)
- Sorting out sorting - the sequel (Seite 174 - 178) (David Furcy, Thomas L. Naps, Jason Wentworth) (2008)
- Engaging with computer science through magic shows (Seite 179 - 183) (Paul Curzon, Peter W. McOwan) (2008)
- Cognitive dimensions questionnaire applied to exploratory algorithm design (Seite 184 - 188) (Chris J. Martin, Janet M. Hughes) (2008)
- The «instructed-teacher» - a computer science online learning pedagogical pattern (Seite 189 - 193) (Matt Bower) (2008)
- Experiences with a synchronous virtual classroom in distance education (Seite 194 - 198) (Herman Koppelman, Harald P. E. Vranken) (2008)
- A distance learning approach to teaching eXtreme programming (Seite 199 - 203) (Christian Murphy, Dan B. Phung, Gail E. Kaiser) (2008)
- Distributed application launching for high quality graphics in synchronous distance education (Seite 204 - 208) (J. Mark Pullen, Jim X. Chen) (2008)
- Going SOLO to assess novice programmers (Seite 209 - 213) (Judy Sheard, Angela Carbone, Raymond Lister, Beth Simon, Errol Thompson, Jacqueline L. Whalley) (2008)
- Teaching software quality assurance by encouraging student contributions to an open source web-based system for the assessment of programming assignments (Seite 214 - 218) (Olly Gotel, Christelle Scharff, Andrew Wildenberg) (2008)
- Towards generic and flexible web services for e-assessment (Seite 219 - 224) (Mario Amelung, Peter Forbrig, Dietmar Rösner) (2008)
- SRec - an animation system of recursion for algorithm courses (Seite 225 - 229) (J. Ángel Velázquez-Iturbide, Antonio Pérez-Carrasco, Jaime Urquiza-Fuentes) (2008)
- Concurrent CS - preparing students for a multicore world (Seite 230 - 234) (Daniel J. Ernst, Daniel E. Stevenson) (2008)
- A gentle introduction to mutual recursion (Seite 235 - 239) (Manuel Rubio-Sánchez, Jaime Urquiza-Fuentes, Cristóbal Pareja-Flores) (2008)
- An internet role-game for the laboratory of network security course (Seite 240 - 244) (Luigi Catuogno, Alfredo De Santis) (2008)
- Wu's castle - teaching arrays and loops in a game (Seite 245 - 249) (Michael Eagle, Tiffany Barnes) (2008)
- Teaching game programming using XNA (Seite 250 - 254) (Joe Linhoff, Amber Settle) (2008)
- Learning through creating learning objects - experiences with a class project in a distributed systems course (Seite 255 - 259) (Cristina L. Abad) (2008)
- Course management with TrucStudio (Seite 260 - 264) (Michela Pedroni, Manuel Oriol, Bertrand Meyer, Enrico Albonico, Lukas Angerer) (2008)
- Improving student performance using automated testing of simulated digital logic circuits (Seite 265 - 270) (Zachary Kurmas) (2008)
- Dangers of a fixed mindset - implications of self-theories research for computer science education (Seite 271 - 275) (Laurie Murphy, Lynda Thomas) (2008)
- Tutoring model for promoting teaching skills of computer science prospective teachers (Seite 276 - 280) (Noa Ragonis, Orit Hazzan) (2008)
- A taxonomy of task types in computing (Seite 281 - 285) (Matt Bower) (2008)
- Creativity as a pathway to computer science (Seite 286 - 290) (Maria Knobelsdorf, Ralf Romeike) (2008)
- Computer-science education as a cultural encounter - a socio-cultural framework for articulating learning difficulties (Seite 291 - 295) (Yifat Ben-David Kolikant) (2008)
- What are information technology's key qualifications? (Seite 296 - 300) (Christina Dörge, Carsten Schulte) (2008)
- Enhancing the general background of CS students through a computing history course (Seite 301 - 305) (Paolo Giangrandi, Claudio Mirolo) (2008)
- Comparing capacity building frameworks for computer science education in underdeveloped countries - an Asian and African perspective (Seite 306 - 310) (Jandelyn D. Plane, Isabella Venter) (2008)
- Practical tips for creating podcasts in higher education (Seite 311 - 311) (Jakki Sheridan-Ross, Andrea Gorra, Janet Finlay) (2008)
- Providing a Seminar++ - innovation seminars (Seite 312 - 312) (Guido Rößling) (2008)
- An introduction to problem equivalence with combinatorics (Seite 313 - 313) (Manuel Rubio-Sánchez) (2008)
- JLS - a pedagogically targeted logic design and simulation tool (Seite 314 - 314) (David A. Poplawski, Zachary Kurmas) (2008)
- Using DLSim 3 - a scalable, extensible, multi-level logic simulator (Seite 315 - 315) (Richard M. Salter, John L. Donaldson) (2008)
- Teaching push-down automata and turing machines (Seite 316 - 316) (Cesar García-Osorio, Iñigo Mediavilla-Sáiz, Javier Jimeno-Visitación, Nicolás García-Pedrajas) (2008)
- A tool for teaching LL and LR parsing algorithms (Seite 317 - 317) (Cesar García-Osorio, Carlos Gómez-Palacios, Nicolás García-Pedrajas) (2008)
- Eclipse as a teaching tool (Seite 318 - 318) (Dwight Deugo) (2008)
- A sudoku game for people with motor impairments (Seite 319 - 319) (Stéphane Norte, Fernando G. Lobo) (2008)
- Java projects motivated by student interests (Seite 321 - 321) (Mirela Djordjevic) (2008)
- Using eclipse in the classroom (Seite 322 - 322) (Dwight Deugo) (2008)
- Cooperative learning in operating systems laboratory (Seite 323 - 323) (Jorge E. Pérez, Javier García Martín, Isabel Muñoz Fernández) (2008)
- Extending moodle for collaborative learning (Seite 324 - 324) (Francesco Di Cerbo, Gabriella Dodero, Giancarlo Succi) (2008)
- Digital CS1 study pack based on Moodle and Python (Seite 325 - 325) (Atanas Radenski) (2008)
- A python graphics package for the first day and beyond (Seite 326 - 326) (Michael H. Goldwasser, David Letscher) (2008)
- Greenfoot - a highly graphical ide for learning object-oriented programming (Seite 327 - 327) (Michael Kölling) (2008)
- Web-CAT - automatically grading programming assignments (Seite 328 - 328) (Stephen H. Edwards, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones) (2008)
- Digital topology java applet (Seite 329 - 329) (Carmen Escribano, Antonio Giraldo, María Asunción Sastre, Mario Trotta) (2008)
- The future of ITiCSE (Seite 331 - 332) (Lillian (Boots) Cassel) (2008)
- Scrambling for students - our graduates are sexier than yours (Seite 333 - 334) (Alison Young, Arnold Pears, Pedro de Miguel Anasagasti, Ralf Romeike, Michael Goldweber, Michael Goldwasser, Vicki L. Almstrum) (2008)
- The use of role play to simulate a tethered swarm of robots for urban search and rescue (USAR) (Seite 335 - 335) (Adrian Albin-Clark, Thumatty R. Vishnu Arun Kumar) (2008)
- Webreg - an online system for registration and grade distribution (Seite 336 - 336) (Erwin Aitenbichler, Guido Rößling) (2008)
- Computing research methods multi-perspective digital library - a call for participation (Seite 337 - 337) (Anne Gates Applin, Hilary J. Holz) (2008)
- Designing offline computer science activities for the korean elementary school curriculum (Seite 338 - 338) (SookKyoung Choi, Tim Bell, Soo Jin Jun, Won-Gyu Lee) (2008)
- Learning object oriented programming - unique visualizations of individuals learning styles, activities and the programs produced (Seite 339 - 339) (Christopher J. Burrell) (2008)
- Teaching SQL - a case study (Seite 340 - 340) (Carlos Pampulim Caldeira) (2008)
- What is masters level education in informatics? (Seite 341 - 341) (Michael E. Caspersen, Lillian N. Cassel, Gordon Davies, Arnold Pears, Stephen Seidman, Heikki Topi) (2008)
- Evaluating the extent to which sociability and social presence affects learning performance (Seite 342 - 342) (Terence Charlton, Lindsay Marshall, Marie Devlin) (2008)
- Adopting pen-based technology to facilitate active learning in the classroom - is it right for you? (Seite 343 - 343) (Archana Chidanandan, Shannon M. Sexton) (2008)
- What students say about gender in hiring software professionals (Seite 344 - 344) (Donald Chinn, Tammy VanDeGrift) (2008)
- Complecto mutatio - teaching software design best practices using multi-platform development (Seite 345 - 345) (Randy W. Connolly) (2008)
- A software development course for CC2001 - the third time is charming (Seite 346 - 346) (John F. Dooley) (2008)
- A computer-based test to raise awareness of disability issues (Seite 347 - 347) (John Gray, Gill Harrison, Andrea Gorra, Jakki Sheridan-Ross, Janet Finlay) (2008)
- A method for analyzing reading comprehension in computer science courses (Seite 348 - 348) (Ananda Gunawardena, John Barr, Andrew Owens) (2008)
- Development of a new MOODLE module for a basic course on computer architecture (Seite 349 - 349) (Francisco Corbera, Eladio Gutiérrez, Julián Ramos, Sergio Romero, María A. Trenas) (2008)
- Computer science and information technology associate-level curricular guidelines (Seite 350 - 350) (Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Karl J. Klee, Robert D. Campbell, Anita M. Wright) (2008)
- Teaching query writing - an informed instruction approach (Seite 351 - 351) (Joseph E. Hollingsworth) (2008)
- Learning for mastery in an introductory programming course (Seite 352 - 352) (Jana Jacková) (2008)
- How do 7th graders solve algorithmic problems? - a tool-based analysis (Seite 353 - 353) (Ulrich Kiesmüller, Torsten Brinda) (2008)
- Four roles of instructor in software engineering projects (Seite 354 - 354) (Stan Kurkovsky) (2008)
- Reevaluating and refining the engagement taxonomy (Seite 355 - 355) (Tobias Lauer) (2008)
- Analysis of ABET accreditation as a software process (Seite 356 - 356) (Ronald J. Leach) (2008)
- An interoperable assessment language proposal (Seite 357 - 357) (Roberto Barchino, Luis de Marcos, José María Gutiérrez) (2008)
- A multidisciplinary computer science master program (Seite 358 - 358) (Luis de Marcos, Roberto Barchino, José Antonio Gutiérrez, Juan-Manuel de Blas, José Ramón Hilera, Salvador Otón) (2008)
- Games developed in Java for teaching «Combinatorial Game Theory» (Seite 359 - 359) (Miguel Reyes, Agueda Mata) (2008)
- Branches of professional organizations a way to enrich student's scientific and personal skills (Seite 360 - 360) (José Carlos Metrôlho, Mónica Isabel Teixeira Costa) (2008)
- Program animation activities in Moodle (Seite 361 - 361) (Andrés Moreno) (2008)
- Drawing the line - teaching the semantics of binary class associations (Seite 362 - 362) (James H. Paterson, John Haddow, Ka Fai Cheng) (2008)
- WebTasks - online programming exercises made easy (Seite 363 - 363) (Guido Rößling, Sebastian Hartte) (2008)
- Toward a definition of the competences for global requirements elicitation (Seite 364 - 364) (Miguel Romero, Aurora Vizcaíno, Mario Piattini) (2008)
- Students' perceptions of python as a first programming language at wits (Seite 365 - 365) (Ian Douglas Sanders, Sasha Langford) (2008)
- Multidisciplinary projects for first year engineering courses (Seite 366 - 366) (Carmen Escribano, Antonio Giraldo, Águeda Mata, María Asunción Sastre) (2008)
- Characteristics and dimensions of a competence model of theoretical computer science in secondary education (Seite 367 - 367) (Kirsten Schlüter, Torsten Brinda) (2008)
- Motivation of the students in game development projects (Seite 368 - 368) (Stephan Repp, Christoph Meinel, Sevil Yakhyayeva) (2008)
- An experience of detecting plagiarized source codes in competitive programming contests (Seite 369 - 369) (Jeong-Hoon Ji, Gyun Woo, Hwan-Gue Cho) (2008)
- A tool for teaching interactions between design patterns (Seite 371 - 371) (Ezequiel Denegri, Guillermo Frontera, Antonio Gavilanes, Pedro J. Martín) (2008)
- Self-organized maps in scientific data analysis (Seite 372 - 372) (Jason T. Soo Hoo) (2008)
- Evolutionary approaches for curriculum sequencing (Seite 373 - 373) (Luis de Marcos, Roberto Barchino, José-Javier Martínez) (2008)
- Potential benefits of corrected-errors in AVBL (Seite 374 - 374) (Antonios Saravanos) (2008)
- Web-based dynamic learning through lexical chaining - a step forward towards knowledge-driven education (Seite 375 - 375) (Arash Shaban-Nejad, Volker Haarslev) (2008)
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37 Erwähnungen 
- Didaktik der Informatik (Sigrid E. Schubert, Andreas Schwill) (2004)
- Computer Science without computers - new outreach methods from old tricks (Tim Bell, Jason Alexander, Isaac Freeman, Mick Grimley) (2008)
- Kreativität im Informatikunterricht (Ralf Romeike) (2008)
- ICER 2008 - International Computing Education Research Workshop, ICER '08, Sydney, Australia, September 6-7, 2008 (Michael E. Caspersen, Raymond Lister, Mike Clancy) (2008)
- Saying isn't necessarily believing - influencing self-theories in computing (Beth Simon, Brian Hanks, Laurie Murphy, Sue Fitzgerald, Renée McCauley, Lynda Thomas, Carol Zander) (2008)
- PeerWise - students sharing their multiple choice questions (Paul Denny, John Hamer, Andrew Luxton-Reilly, Helen C. Purchase) (2008)
- Saying isn't necessarily believing - influencing self-theories in computing (Beth Simon, Brian Hanks, Laurie Murphy, Sue Fitzgerald, Renée McCauley, Lynda Thomas, Carol Zander) (2008)
- ICER 2010 - Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Computing Education Research, Aarhus, Denmark, August 9-10, 2010 (Michael E. Caspersen, Michael J. Clancy, Kate Sanders) (2010)
- Learning computer science concepts with scratch (Orni Meerbaum-Salant, Michal Armoni, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2010)
- Learning computer science concepts with scratch (Orni Meerbaum-Salant, Michal Armoni, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2010)
- Koli Calling 2010 - 10th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, Koli Calling '10, Koli, Finland, October 28-31, 2010 (Carsten Schulte, Jarkko Suhonen) (2010)
- Review of recent systems for automatic assessment of programming assignments (Petri Ihantola, Tuukka Ahoniemi, Ville Karavirta, Otto Seppälä) (2010)
- Review of recent systems for automatic assessment of programming assignments (Petri Ihantola, Tuukka Ahoniemi, Ville Karavirta, Otto Seppälä) (2010)
- Schule in der digitalen Welt - Medienpädagogische Ansätze und Schulforschungsperspektiven (Carsten Albers, Johannes Magenheim, Dorothee M. Meister) (2011)
- Medien nutzen, Medien gestalten - eine qualitative Analyse der Computernutzung (Carsten Schulte, Maria Knobelsdorf)
- Medien nutzen, Medien gestalten - eine qualitative Analyse der Computernutzung (Carsten Schulte, Maria Knobelsdorf)
- Computational Thinking Patterns (Andri Ioannidou, Vicki E. Bennett, Alexander Repenning, Kyu Han Koh, Ashok R. Basawapatna) (2011)
- Informatik in Bildung und Beruf - INFOS 2011 - 14. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule (Marco Thomas) (2011)
- Informatiktools - Gestaltung einer Plattform für Werkzeuge für den Informatikunterricht (Ralf Romeike) (2011)
- Informatiktools - Gestaltung einer Plattform für Werkzeuge für den Informatikunterricht (Ralf Romeike) (2011)
- Visual Program Simulation in Introductory Programming Education (Juha Sorva) (2012)
- SIGCSE 2012 - Proceedings of the 43rd ACM technical symposium on Computer science education, SIGCSE 2012, Raleigh, NC, USA, February 29 - March 3, 2012 (Laurie A. Smith King, David R. Musicant, Tracy Camp, Paul T. Tymann) (2012)
- Collaboration across the curriculum - a disciplined approach todeveloping team skills (Ben Coleman, Matthew Lang) (2012)
- Collaboration across the curriculum - a disciplined approach todeveloping team skills (Ben Coleman, Matthew Lang) (2012)
- Computer Science Education 3/2013 (2013)
- Learning computer science concepts with Scratch (Orni Meerbaum-Salant, Michal Armoni, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2013)
- Learning computer science concepts with Scratch (Orni Meerbaum-Salant, Michal Armoni, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2013)
- Research on e-Learning and ICT in Education - Technological, Pedagogical and Instructional Perspectives (Charalampos Karagiannidis, Panagiotis Politis, Ilias Karasavvidis) (2014)
- 6. Teaching Informatics in Primary School With and Without Educational Software Support (Panagiota Halki, Panagiotis Politis) (2014)
- 6. Teaching Informatics in Primary School With and Without Educational Software Support (Panagiota Halki, Panagiotis Politis) (2014)
- Strategisches Studienmarketing zur Begünstigung der Aufnahme eines Informatik-Studiums (Christian Götz) (2015)
- ISSEP 2015 - Informatics in Schools. Curricula, Competences, and Competitions (Andrej Brodnik, Jan Vahrenhold) (2015)
- Entwicklung und Validierung eines Instruments zur Messung des Wissens über Fehlvorstellungen in der Informatik (Laura Ohrndorf) (2016)
- ICER 2017 - Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, ICER 2017, Tacoma, WA, USA, August 18-20, 2017 (Josh Tenenberg, Donald Chinn, Judy Sheard, Lauri Malmi) (2017)
- An Instrument to Assess Self-Efficacy in Introductory Algorithms Courses (Holger Danielsiek, Laura Toma, Jan Vahrenhold) (2017)
- An Instrument to Assess Self-Efficacy in Introductory Algorithms Courses (Holger Danielsiek, Laura Toma, Jan Vahrenhold) (2017)
- ICER 2018 - Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, ICER 2018, Espoo, Finland, August 13-15, 2018 (Lauri Malmi, Ari Korhonen, Robert McCartney, Andrew Petersen) (2018)
- Towards an Analysis of Program Complexity From a Cognitive Perspective (Rodrigo Duran, Juha Sorva, Sofia Leite) (2018)
- Towards an Analysis of Program Complexity From a Cognitive Perspective (Rodrigo Duran, Juha Sorva, Sofia Leite) (2018)
- Koli Calling 2018 - Proceedings of the 18th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, Koli, Finland, November 22-25, 2018 (Mike Joy, Petri Ihantola) (2018)
- Statistical Frequency-Analysis of Misconceptions In Object-Oriented-Programming - Regularized PCR Models for Frequency Analysis across OOP Concepts and related Factors (Riko Kelter, Matthias Kramer, Torsten Brinda) (2018)
- Statistical Frequency-Analysis of Misconceptions In Object-Oriented-Programming - Regularized PCR Models for Frequency Analysis across OOP Concepts and related Factors (Riko Kelter, Matthias Kramer, Torsten Brinda) (2018)
- Informatics in Schools: Fundamentals of Computer Science and Software Engineering (Sergei Pozdniakov, Valentina Dagienė) (2018)
- ICER 2019 - Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, ICER 2019, Toronto, ON, Canada, August 12-14, 2019 (Robert McCartney, Andrew Petersen, Anthony V. Robins, Adon Moskal) (2019)
- Using the SOLO Taxonomy to Understand Subgoal Labels Effect in CS1 (Adrienne Decker, Lauren E. Margulieux, Briana B. Morrison) (2019)
- Using the SOLO Taxonomy to Understand Subgoal Labels Effect in CS1 (Adrienne Decker, Lauren E. Margulieux, Briana B. Morrison) (2019)
- Informatik für alle - 18. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule (Arno Pasternak) (2019)
- Aufgabe ist nicht gleich Aufgabe - Vielfältige Aufgabentypen bewusst in Scratch einsetzen (Katharina Geldreich, Mike Talbot, Peter Hubwieser)
- Aufgabe ist nicht gleich Aufgabe - Vielfältige Aufgabentypen bewusst in Scratch einsetzen (Katharina Geldreich, Mike Talbot, Peter Hubwieser)
- ICER 2020 - International Computing Education Research Conference, Virtual Event, New Zealand, August 10-12, 2020 (Anthony V. Robins, Adon Moskal, Amy J. Ko, Renée McCauley) (2020)
- Construction of a Taxonomy for Tools, Languages, and Environments across Computing Education (Monica M. McGill, Adrienne Decker) (2020)
- Investigating the Benefits of Student Question Generation in Data Science MOOC Assessments (Anjali Singh) (2020)
- Construction of a Taxonomy for Tools, Languages, and Environments across Computing Education (Monica M. McGill, Adrienne Decker) (2020)
- WiPSCE '20 - Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, Virtual Event, Germany, October 28-30, 2020 (Torsten Brinda, Michal Armoni) (2020)
- Investigating the relationship between programming and natural languages within the primm framework (Alex Parry) (2020)
- Using semantic waves to analyse the effectiveness of unplugged computing activities (Paul Curzon, Jane Waite, Karl Maton, James Donohue) (2020)
- High-school students' mastery of basic flow-control constructs through the lens of reversibility (Claudio Mirolo, Cruz Izu, Emanuele Scapin) (2020)
- Investigating the relationship between programming and natural languages within the primm framework (Alex Parry) (2020)
- Informatik für alle - Beitrag und exemplarische Ausgestaltung informatischer Bildung als Grundlage für Bildung in der digitalen Transformation (Stefan Seegerer) (2021)
- Informatics in Schools. A Step Beyond Digital Education - 15th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2022, Vienna, Austria, September 26–28, 2022 (Andreas Bollin, Gerald Futschek) (2022)
- Clear the Ring for Computer Science - A Creative Introduction for Primary Schools (Marina Rottenhofer, Lisa Kuka, Barbara Sabitzer)
- Clear the Ring for Computer Science - A Creative Introduction for Primary Schools (Marina Rottenhofer, Lisa Kuka, Barbara Sabitzer)
- Informatikunterricht zwischen Aktualität und Zeitlosigkeit - 20. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule (Lutz Hellmig, Martin Hennecke) (2023)
- Perzeptrons programmieren und explorieren im Rahmen der Open Roberta Lernumgebung (Alisa Véronique Münsterberg, Reinhard Budde, Ute Schmidt, Thorsten Leimbach) (2023)
- Perzeptrons programmieren und explorieren im Rahmen der Open Roberta Lernumgebung (Alisa Véronique Münsterberg, Reinhard Budde, Ute Schmidt, Thorsten Leimbach) (2023)
- Informatics in Schools. Beyond Bits and Bytes: Nurturing Informatics Intelligence in Education - 16th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2023, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 23–25, 2023 (Jean-Philippe Pellet, Gabriel Parriaux) (2023)
- An Exploratory Investigation on High-School Students’ Understanding of Threads (Emanuele Scapin, Nicola Dalla Pozza, Claudio Mirolo)
- An Exploratory Investigation on High-School Students’ Understanding of Threads (Emanuele Scapin, Nicola Dalla Pozza, Claudio Mirolo)
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