micro:bit |
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Verwandte Objeke
![]() Verwandte Begriffe (co-word occurance) | physical computing(0.05), PRIMM(0.04), ![]() |
Häufig co-zitierte Personen
Statistisches Begriffsnetz 
Zitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)
70 Erwähnungen 
- Learner-Centered Design of Computing Education - Research on Computing for Everyone (Mark Guzdial) (2015)
- Developing Computational Thinking in Compulsory Education - Implications for policy and practice (Stefania Bocconi, Augusto Chioccariello, Giuliana Dettori, Anusca Ferrari, Katja Engelhardt) (2016)
- Wir brauchen Digitalkunde ab der ersten Klasse (Stephan Noller) (2016)
- Proceedings of the 11th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education (WiPSCE 2016) - Münster, Germany, October 13-15, 2016 (Jan Vahrenhold, Erik Barendsen) (2016)
- From Scratch to Patch - Easing the Blocks-Text Transition (William Robinson) (2016)
- From Scratch to Patch - Easing the Blocks-Text Transition (William Robinson) (2016)
- Informatics in Schools: Improvement of Informatics Knowledge and Perception - 9th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2016, Münster, Germany, October 13-15, 2016 (Andrej Brodnik, Françoise Tort) (2016)
- 16. IT2School - Development of Teaching Materials for CS Through Design Thinking (Ira Diethelm, Melanie Schaumburg)
- 16. IT2School - Development of Teaching Materials for CS Through Design Thinking (Ira Diethelm, Melanie Schaumburg)
- Python für Einsteiger (2017)
- Hello World 1 (2017)
- Big Data in Education - The digital future of learning, policy and practice (Ben Williamson) (2017)
- Calliope Lehrerhandreichung (Hans Haase, André Hilbig, Ludger Humbert, Dorothee Müller, Philipp Rumm) (2017)
- SIGCSE 2017 - Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Seattle, WA, USA, March 8-11, 2017 (Michael E. Caspersen, Stephen H. Edwards, Tiffany Barnes, Daniel D. Garcia) (2017)
- The Micro - bit: Hands-on Computing for the New Generation (Abstract Only) (Thomas Ball, Judith Bishop, Jonathan de Halleux) (2017)
- Eingebettete Systeme - LOG IN 185/186 (2017)
- Mikrocontroller und Minicomputer - Sieben Zwerge für die Schule - Ein Hardware-Überblick (Jürgen Müller) (2017)
- Mikrocontroller und Minicomputer - Sieben Zwerge für die Schule - Ein Hardware-Überblick (Jürgen Müller) (2017)
- Hello World 2 (2017)
- Calliope und Micro:bit in der Praxis (2017)
- Computer Science Teacher - Insight into the computing classroom (Beverly Clarke) (2017)
- Hardware, Software und Co - Informatiksysteme Z2 (Bettina Waldvogel, Eike Rösch, Stefanie Schild, Urs Ingold) (2017)
- Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien: Vermittlung digitaler und informatischer Kompetenzen - Erziehung & Unterricht 7&8/2017 (2017)
- Coding als Baustein der digitalen Grundbildung (2017)
- Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Primary and Secondary Computing Education, WiPSCE 2017, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, November 8-10, 2017 (Erik Barendsen, Peter Hubwieser) (2017)
- Teaching with physical computing devices - the BBC micro: bit initiative (Sue Sentance, Jane Waite, Lucy Yeomans, Emily MacLeod) (2017)
- Teaching with physical computing devices - the BBC micro: bit initiative (Sue Sentance, Jane Waite, Lucy Yeomans, Emily MacLeod) (2017)
- Handbook of Technology Education (Marc J. de Vries) (2017)
- 33. Maker Movement in Education: History and Prospects (Paulo Blikstein)
- 33. Maker Movement in Education: History and Prospects (Paulo Blikstein)
- SIGCSE 2018 - Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2018, Baltimore, MD, USA, February 21-24, 2018 (Tiffany Barnes, Daniel D. Garcia, Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones) (2018)
- Computational Thinking for All - An Experience Report on Scaling up Teaching Computational Thinking to All Students in a Major City in Sweden (Fredrik Heintz, Linda Mannila) (2018)
- Micro - bit Magic: Engaging K-12, CS1/2, and Non-majors with IoT & Embedded (Abstract Only) (Bill Siever, Michael P. Rogers) (2018)
- Computational Thinking for All - An Experience Report on Scaling up Teaching Computational Thinking to All Students in a Major City in Sweden (Fredrik Heintz, Linda Mannila) (2018)
- Hello World 4 (2018)
- Platinenvielfalt - Programmieren und basteln mit Mikrocontrollern (Themenspezial der c't 14/2018) (2018)
- EdMedia 2018 (2018)
- Kissed by the Muse - Promoting Computer Science Education for All with the Calliope Board (Maria Grandl, Martin Ebner)
- Kissed by the Muse - Promoting Computer Science Education for All with the Calliope Board (Maria Grandl, Martin Ebner)
- Computational Thinking mit BBC micro:bit - Digitale Bildung in der Sekundarstufe (A. Bachinger, Martin Teufel) (2018)
- Login 189/190 (2018)
- Koli Calling 2018 - Proceedings of the 18th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, Koli, Finland, November 22-25, 2018 (Mike Joy, Petri Ihantola) (2018)
- Impact of Physical Computing on Learner Motivation (Mareen Grillenberger, Ralf Romeike) (2018)
- Second Level Computer Science - The Irish K-12 Journey Begins (Keith Quille, Roisin Faherty, Susan Bergin, Brett A. Becker) (2018)
- Impact of Physical Computing on Learner Motivation (Mareen Grillenberger, Ralf Romeike) (2018)
- Lehrerhandreichung zur Bremer Explorationsstudie «Calliope mini» (Iris Bockermann, Simon Engelbertz, Saskia Illginnis, Antje Moebus, Lydia Murmann, David Reid, Heidi Schelhowe) (2018)
- 1. Was ist programmieren? - Modul 1
- 1. Was ist programmieren? - Modul 1
- Proceedings of the 13th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, WiPSCE 2018, Potsdam, Germany, October 04-06, 2018. (Andreas Mühling, Quintin I. Cutts) (2018)
- A block based editor for Python (Glenn Strong, Sean O'Carroll, Nina Bresnihan) (2018)
- A block based editor for Python (Glenn Strong, Sean O'Carroll, Nina Bresnihan) (2018)
- Physical Computing als Mittel der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisgewinnung - in der Informatik und als fächerverbindende MINT-Arbeitsweise (Sandra Schulz) (2018)
- Coding im MINT-Unterricht (2019)
- Hello World 7 (2019)
- Scratch meets micro:bit (Giles Booth)
- Scratch meets micro:bit (Giles Booth)
- SIGCSE 2019 - Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2019, Minneapolis, MN, USA, February 27 - March 02, 2019 (Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Sarah Heckman, Jian Zhang 0036) (2019)
- A Middle-School Camp Emphasizing Data Science and Computing for Social Good (Caelin Bryant, Yesheng Chen, Zhen Chen, Jonathan Gilmour, Shyamala Gumidyala, Beatriz Herce-Hagiwara, Annabella Koures, Seoyeon Lee, James Msekela, Anh Thu Pham, Halle Remash, Marli Remash, Nolan Schoenle, Jonah Zimmerman, Sarah Dahlby Albright, Samuel A. Rebelsky) (2019)
- A Middle-School Camp Emphasizing Data Science and Computing for Social Good (Caelin Bryant, Yesheng Chen, Zhen Chen, Jonathan Gilmour, Shyamala Gumidyala, Beatriz Herce-Hagiwara, Annabella Koures, Seoyeon Lee, James Msekela, Anh Thu Pham, Halle Remash, Marli Remash, Nolan Schoenle, Jonah Zimmerman, Sarah Dahlby Albright, Samuel A. Rebelsky) (2019)
- Hello World 8 - Teach Commputing (2019)
- Hello World 9 - Computing & the Arts (2019)
- Informatik auf der Sekundarstufe (2. Klasse) - Module für den Unterricht im 3. Zyklus, 2. Klasse (Simone Meier, Urs Meyer, Eveline Hak, Lukas Dettwiler) (2019)
- CHANCE MAKERSPACE - Making trifft auf Schule (Selina Ingold, Björn Maurer, Daniel Trüby) (2019)
- Die Musterlösung liegt nicht bei - Best Practices zur Umsetzung von open-ended Maker-Projekten (Dorit Assaf)
- Die Musterlösung liegt nicht bei - Best Practices zur Umsetzung von open-ended Maker-Projekten (Dorit Assaf)
- ICER 2019 - Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, ICER 2019, Toronto, ON, Canada, August 12-14, 2019 (Robert McCartney, Andrew Petersen, Anthony V. Robins, Adon Moskal) (2019)
- Trials and Tribulations of Novices Working with the Arduino (Kayla DesPortes, Betsy DiSalvo) (2019)
- Trials and Tribulations of Novices Working with the Arduino (Kayla DesPortes, Betsy DiSalvo) (2019)
- Informatik für alle - 18. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule (Arno Pasternak) (2019)
- Blöcke, Blumen, Mikrocontroller und das Internet of Things (Nils Pancratz, Anatolij Fandrich, Christos Chytas, Mareike Daeglau, Ira Diethelm)
- Blöcke, Blumen, Mikrocontroller und das Internet of Things (Nils Pancratz, Anatolij Fandrich, Christos Chytas, Mareike Daeglau, Ira Diethelm)
- Hello World 10 - maths and computer science (2019)
- ITiCSE 2019 - Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, July 15-17, 2019 (Bruce Scharlau, Roger McDermott, Arnold Pears, Mihaela Sabin) (2019)
- Are There Differences in Learning Gains When Programming a Tangible Object or a Simulation? (Grégoire Fessard, Patrick Wang 0002, Ilaria Renna) (2019)
- OurKidsCode - A National Programme to get Families Involved in CS Education (Nina Bresnihan, Glenn Strong, Lorraine Fisher, Richard Millwood, Áine Lynch) (2019)
- Are There Differences in Learning Gains When Programming a Tangible Object or a Simulation? (Grégoire Fessard, Patrick Wang 0002, Ilaria Renna) (2019)
- Informatics in Schools. New Ideas in School Informatics (Sergei Pozdniakov, Valentina Dagienė) (2019)
- Wandering Micro:bits in the Public Education of Hungary (Andor Abonyi-Tóth, Zsuzsa Pluhár)
- Wandering Micro:bits in the Public Education of Hungary (Andor Abonyi-Tóth, Zsuzsa Pluhár)
- Digitalisierung - Subjekt - Bildung - Kritische Betrachtungen der digitalen Transformation (Valentin Dander, Patrick Bettinger, Estella Ferraro, Christian Leineweber, Klaus Rummler) (2020)
- Hello World 13 (2020)
- Informatik auf der Sekundarstufe (3. Klasse) (2020)
- ICER 2020 - International Computing Education Research Conference, Virtual Event, New Zealand, August 10-12, 2020 (Anthony V. Robins, Adon Moskal, Amy J. Ko, Renée McCauley) (2020)
- Opening the Black Box - Investigating Student Understanding of Data Displays Using Programmable Sensor Technology (Alexandra Gendreau Chakarov, Quentin Biddy, Jennifer Jacobs, Mimi Recker, Tamara Sumner) (2020)
- The Integration of Coding in Teacher Education Programs - Course Experiences and the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics (Lisa Anne Floyd) (2020)
- Opening the Black Box - Investigating Student Understanding of Data Displays Using Programmable Sensor Technology (Alexandra Gendreau Chakarov, Quentin Biddy, Jennifer Jacobs, Mimi Recker, Tamara Sumner) (2020)
- Vorstellungen von Grundschullehrpersonen zur Informatik und zum Informatikunterricht (Alexander Best) (2020)
- Non-Formal and Informal Science Learning in the ICT Era (Michail N. Giannakos) (2020)
- 6. Programming in Primary Schools - Teaching on the Edge of Formal and Non-formal Learning (Katharina Geldreich, Peter Hubwieser)
- 6. Programming in Primary Schools - Teaching on the Edge of Formal and Non-formal Learning (Katharina Geldreich, Peter Hubwieser)
- Hello World 14 (2020)
- WiPSCE '20 - Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, Virtual Event, Germany, October 28-30, 2020 (Torsten Brinda, Michal Armoni) (2020)
- A study of high school computer science teacher confidence levels (Clare McInerney, Chris Exton, Mike Hinchey) (2020)
- A study of high school computer science teacher confidence levels (Clare McInerney, Chris Exton, Mike Hinchey) (2020)
- Informatics in Schools: Engaging Learners in Computational Thinking - 13th International Conference, ISSEP 2020, Tallinn, Estonia, November 16-18, 2020 Proceedings (Külli Kori, Mart Laanpere) (2020)
- Tips and Tricks for Changing the Way Young People Conceive Computer Science (Cécile Lombart, Anne Smal, Julie Henry)
- In-Service Teacher Training and Self-efficacy (Jørgen Thorsnes, Majid Rouhani, Monica Divitini)
- Tips and Tricks for Changing the Way Young People Conceive Computer Science (Cécile Lombart, Anne Smal, Julie Henry)
- Vom Bau des Schuhschachtel-Autos (Roger Wehrli) (2021)
- Understanding computing education - Volume 1 (Raspberry Pi Foundation) (2021)
- «iMake-IT» - Projekt facile - Erfinde, programmiere und baue dir deine Welt! (Dorit Assaf, Claudia Hunziker, Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2021)
- Programmierkompetenzen von Lehrpersonen des Zyklus 3 - Aktueller Stand der Aus- und Weiterbildung von Lehrpersonen des Zyklus 3 bezüglich persönlicher Programmierkompetenzen (Adrian Degonda) (2021)
- Gymnasium Helvetium 4/2021 (Verein Schweizerischer Gymnasiallehrerinnen und Gymnasiallehrer (VSG)) (2021)
- WiPSCE '21 - The 16th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, Virtual Event / Erlangen, Germany, October 18-20, 2021 (Marc Berges, Andraes Mühling, Michal Armoni) (2021)
- Strype - Frame-Based Editing tool for programming the micro: bit through Python (Charalampos Kyfonidis, Pierre Weill-Tessier, Neil Brown 0001) (2021)
- Strype - Frame-Based Editing tool for programming the micro: bit through Python (Charalampos Kyfonidis, Pierre Weill-Tessier, Neil Brown 0001) (2021)
- Informatics in Schools. Rethinking Computing Education - 14th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2021, Virtual Event, November 3–5, 2021 (Erik Barendsen, Christos Chytas) (2021)
- Girls’ Summer School for Physical Computing - Methodology and Acceptance Issues (Gabrielė Stupurienė, Anita Juškevičienė, Tatjana Jevsikova, Valentina Dagienė, Asta Meškauskienė)
- Girls’ Summer School for Physical Computing - Methodology and Acceptance Issues (Gabrielė Stupurienė, Anita Juškevičienė, Tatjana Jevsikova, Valentina Dagienė, Asta Meškauskienė)
- Hello World 15 (2021)
- Digcomp 2.2 - The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens - With new examples of knowledge, skills and attitudes (Riina Vuorikari, Stefano Kluzer, Yves Punie) (2022)
- Mit neuester Technologie das Netzwerk kennenlernen - eine Unterrichtseinheit mit LoRa und Raspberry Pi (Beat Temperli) (2022)
- Denken lernen - Probleme lösen mit BBC micro:bit V1 + V2 - Digitale Bildung in der Sekundarstufe (A. Bachinger, Martin Teufel) (2022)
- Informatics in Schools. A Step Beyond Digital Education - 15th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2022, Vienna, Austria, September 26–28, 2022 (Andreas Bollin, Gerald Futschek) (2022)
- Robotics-Enhanced Natural Science in Primary Schools (Bence Gaál)
- Robotics-Enhanced Natural Science in Primary Schools (Bence Gaál)
- Teaching Coding in K-12 Schools - Research and Application (Therese Keane, Andrew Fluck) (2023)
- Scaffolding Engagement with Educational Technologies to Develop Computational Thinking in Year 1 Girls (Fiona Mayne, Belinda Bath)
- Scaffolding Engagement with Educational Technologies to Develop Computational Thinking in Year 1 Girls (Fiona Mayne, Belinda Bath)
- Das Potential von Physical Computing als Teil von Schultheaterprojekten (Christian Renggli) (2023)
- Pädagogik 10/2024 (2024)
- Challenge Cards für erfolgreiches Making (Dorit Assaf, Stefanie Mauroux)
- Challenge Cards für erfolgreiches Making (Dorit Assaf, Stefanie Mauroux)