HCI/MMI (Human-Computer-Interaction) Human-Computer-Interaction
HCI, Human-Computer-Interaction, MMI


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129 Erwähnungen 
- Alter Ego - Lernen im Dialog mit dem Computer - Ein Forschungsprojekt (Maia Engeli)
- Grundlagen für den Informatikeinsatz (Kurt Bauknecht, Carl August Zehnder)
- Kompendium Screen-Design - Effektiv informieren und kommunizieren mit Multimedia (Frank Thissen)
- AI in CAI - An Artificial-Intelligence Approach to Computer-Assisted Instruction (Jaime R. Carbonell) (1970)
- How do people organize their desks? - Implications for the Design of Office Information Systems (Thomas W. Malone) (1983)
- Die Gestaltung interaktiver Programme - Mit Anwendungsbeispielen für den Unterricht (Jürg Nievergelt, Andrea Ventura) (1983)
- Designing the user interface - Strategies for effective human-computer interaction (Ben Shneiderman) (1987)
- The Society of Text - hypertext, hypermedia, and the social construction of information (Edward Barrett) (1989)
- Online Information, Hypermedia, and the Idea of Literacy (Philip Rubens)
- Envisioning Information (Edward R. Tufte) (1990)
- The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design (Brenda Laurel) (1990)
- Arbeitspsychologie (Eberhard Ulich) (1991)
- 5. Konzepte für den Einsatz neuer Technologien
- Computers as Theatre (Brenda Laurel) (1991)
- Software Development and Reality Construction (Reinhard Budde, Christiane Floyd, Reinhard Keil, Heinz Züllighoven) (1992)
- Perspectives and Metaphors for Human-Computer Interaction (Susanne Maass, Horst Oberquelle)
- Computer im Unterricht an der ETH Zürich - Bericht über das Projekt IDA (Informatik dient allen) 1986-1991 (1992)
- Modellierung und Computersimulationen in den Umweltnaturwissenschaften (Andreas Fischlin)
- Macintosh human interface guidelines (1992)
- ICCAL '92 - 4th International Conference on Computer Assisted Learning, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 17-20, 1992 (Ivan Tomek) (1992)
- Adaptive Navigational Tools for Educational Hypermedia (Brigitte de La Passardiére, Aude Dufresne) (1992)
- Adaptive Navigational Tools for Educational Hypermedia (Brigitte de La Passardiére, Aude Dufresne) (1992)
- SIGCSE 1992 - Proceedings of the 23rd SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1992, Kansas City, Missouri, USA, March 5-6, 1992 (Nell B. Dale) (1992)
- Learning HCI design - mentoring project groups in a course on human-computer interaction (Brad Hartfield, Terry Winograd, John Bennett) (1992)
- Learning HCI design - mentoring project groups in a course on human-computer interaction (Brad Hartfield, Terry Winograd, John Bennett) (1992)
- Mensch Maschine Methodik (Gregory Abowd, Russell Beale, Alan Dix, Janet Finlay) (1993)
- Pädgogische Theorien der Interaktion im Zeitalter Neuer Technologien - Versuch einer didaktischen Bewertung von interaktiven Computerlehr-/lernprogrammen (Claudia de Witt) (1993)
- Wissenserwerb mit Bildern - Instruktionale Bilder in Printmedien, Film/Video und Computerprogrammen (Bernd Weidenmann) (1994)
- Informationsfluss durch Bilder in der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion (Thomas Strothotte)
- Computer Science Unplugged - Capturing the interest of the uninterested (Tim Bell, Gwenda Bensemann, Ian H. Witten) (1995)
- Total Digital - Die Welt zwischen 0 und 1 oder Die Zukunft der Kommunikation (Nicholas Negroponte) (1995)
- Informatik und Gesellschaft (Jürgen Friedrich, Thomas Herrmann, Max Peschek, Arno Rolf) (1995)
- Software-Ergonomie (Susanne Maass)
- Grundlagen hypermedialer Lernsysteme - Theorie - Didaktik - Design (Rolf Schulmeister) (1996)
- Lehrbuch der Software-Technik (Band 1) - Software-Entwicklung (Helmut Balzert) (1996)
- 19. Die Definitionsphase - Software-Ergonomie (E/A-Gestaltung 1)
- 20. Die Definitionsphase - Software-Ergonomie (E/A-Gestaltung 2)
- Technik und Subjektivität - Das Wechselverhältnis zwischen Mensch und Computer aus interdisziplinärer Sicht (Christina Schachtner) (1997)
- Per Maus in die Erwachsenenwelt - Sozialisation am Computer
- Designing information-abundant websites - issues and recommendations (Ben Shneiderman) (1997)
- Computer Science unplugged ... - off-line activities and games for all ages (Tim Bell, Ian H. Witten, Mike Fellows) (1998)
- 19. The chocolate factory - Human interface design
- 19. The chocolate factory - Human interface design
- Entwicklung hypermedialer Lernsysteme (Astrid Blumstengel) (1998)
- Information Visualisation and Virtual Environments (Chaomei Chen) (1999)
- 1. Introduction
- The Invisible Computer - Why Good Products Can Fail, the Personal Computer Is So Complex and Information Applicances Are the Solution (Donald A. Norman) (1999)
- 7. Being analog
- Informatik und Schule - Fachspezifische und fachübergreifende didaktische Konzepte (Andreas Schwill) (1999)
- Dekonstruktion von Informatiksystemen als Unterrichtsmethode - Zugang zu objektorientierten Sichtweisen im Informatikunterricht (Thorsten Hampel, Johannes Magenheim, Carsten Schulte)
- Dekonstruktion von Informatiksystemen als Unterrichtsmethode - Zugang zu objektorientierten Sichtweisen im Informatikunterricht (Thorsten Hampel, Johannes Magenheim, Carsten Schulte)
- ToolStone - Effective Use of the Physical Manipulation Vocabularies of Input Devices (Jun Rekimoto, Eduardo Sciammarella) (2000)
- The Design of Personal Mobile Technologies for Lifelong Learning (Mike Sharples) (2000)
- Grundlagen der Computerlinguistik - Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation in natürlicher Sprache (2000)
- Computerunterstütztes Lernen (R. Kammerl) (2000)
- The Humane Interface - New Directions for Designing Interactive Systems (Jef Raskin) (2000)
- Using Interactive Visualizations of WWW Log Data to Characterize Access Patterns and Inform Site Design (Harry Hochheiser, Ben Shneiderman) (2001)
- Studying the Language and Structure in Non-Programmers’ Solutions to Programming Problems (John F. Pane, Chotirat Ann Ratanamahatana, Brad Myers) (2001)
- bits and spaces - architecture and computing for physical, virtual, hybrid realms; 33 projects by architecture and CAAD, ETH Zurich (Maia Engeli) (2001)
- Virtuelle Universität - Virtuelles Lernen (Rolf Schulmeister) (2001)
- A Pattern Approach to Interaction Design (Jan Borchers) (2001)
- Secrets and Lies - IT-Sicherheit in einer vernetzten Welt (Bruce Schneier) (2001)
- 17. Der menschliche Faktor
- Multimediale und telemediale Lernumgebungen (Michael Kerres) (2001)
- CSCW-Kompendium - Lehr- und Handbuch zur computerunterstützten Gruppenarbeit (Gerhard Schwabe, Norbert Streitz, Rainer Unland) (2001)
- 11. Softwareentwicklung (Heinz Züllighoven)
- 11. Softwareentwicklung (Heinz Züllighoven)
- The Language of New Media (Lev Manovich) (2001)
- GDI Impuls 3/01 (Gottlieb Duttweiler Institut) (2001)
- Die Welt der Infoskope (Dominique Brodbeck)
- Die Welt der Infoskope (Dominique Brodbeck)
- Human-Computer Interaction in the New Millennium (John M. Caroll) (2001)
- Interfaces that Give and Take Advice (Henry Lieberman)
- Interfaces that Give and Take Advice (Henry Lieberman)
- Mit dem Auge denken - Strategien der Sichtbarmachung in wissenschaftlichen und virtuellen Welten (Bettina Heintz, Jörg Huber) (2001)
- Die Bildsprache der Homepages (Gabriele Fackler)
- Die Bildsprache der Homepages (Gabriele Fackler)
- Text Entry for Mobile Computing - Models and Methods, Theory and Practice (I. Scott MacKenzie, R. William Soukoreff) (2002)
- Software Pioneers - Contributions to Software Engineering (Manfred Broy, Ernst Denert) (2002)
- Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries (K. Börner, Chaomei Chen) (2002)
- Information Visualization, Human-Computer Interaction, and Cognitive Psychology: Domain Visualizations (Kevin W. Boyack, George S. Davidson, Brian N. Wylie)
- Information Visualization, Human-Computer Interaction, and Cognitive Psychology: Domain Visualizations (Kevin W. Boyack, George S. Davidson, Brian N. Wylie)
- Didaktisches Interaktions- und Informationsdesign - Systematische modellgeleitete Gestaltung von virtuellen Studienlandschaften (Hilko Donker) (2002)
- The Inmates are Running the Asylum - Why High-Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How to Restore the Sanity (Alan Cooper) (2002)
- Persuasive Technology - Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do (B. J. Fogg) (2002)
- 1. Overview of Captology
- 1. Overview of Captology
- Total Digital - Die Welt als Null und Eins (2002)
- Vom GUI zum NUI (Franz Zauner) (1998)
- Vom GUI zum NUI (Franz Zauner) (1998)
- Entwicklung und Evaluation eines alternativen Texteingabesystems für Persönliche Digitale Assistenten (Carsten Magerkurth) (2002)
- Von den Mythen der Buchkultur zu den Visionen der Informationsgesellschaft - Trendforschungen zur kulturellen Medienökologie (Michael Giesecke) (2002)
- The Elements of User Experience - User-Centered Design for the Web (Jesse James Garrett) (2002)
- Information Architecture - Blueprints for the Web (Christina Wodtke) (2002)
- A unified taxonomic framework for information visualization (Vaughan Hobbs, Darius Pfitzner, David Powers) (2003)
- Unlocking the learning value of wireless mobile devices (Jeremy Roschelle) (2003)
- Visualizing the Semantic Web - XML-based Internet and Information Visualization (Vladimir Geroimenko, Chaomei Chen) (2003)
- The New Media Reader (Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Nick Montfort) (2003)
- 38. The Six Elements and the Causal Relations Among Them (Brenda Laurel)
- 38. The Six Elements and the Causal Relations Among Them (Brenda Laurel)
- DeLFI 2003 - Tagungsband der 1. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik, 16.-18. September 2003 in Garching bei München (Arndt Bode, Jörg Desel, Sabine Rathmeyer, Martin Wessner) (2003)
- Feedback als Kernelement der benutzerfreundlichen Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion bei Lernsystemen (Monika Schudnagis, Christa Womser-Hacker) (2003)
- Feedback als Kernelement der benutzerfreundlichen Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion bei Lernsystemen (Monika Schudnagis, Christa Womser-Hacker) (2003)
- The Craft of Information Visualization - Readings and Reflections (Benjamin B. Bederson, Ben Shneiderman) (2003)
- Mami, ich will auch Superalgorithmen - Ausformuliertes, mehrteiliges Projektdossier zur Diplomarbeit , Version 1.0 (Niki Schawalder) (2003)
- Schulinformatik in Österreich - Erfahrungen und Beispiel aus dem Unterricht (Anton Reiter, Gerhard Scheidl, Heinz Strohmer, Lydia Tittler, Martin Weissenböck) (2003)
- Design Guidelines for Learner-Centered Handheld Tools (Kathleen Luchini, Chris Quintana, Elliot Soloway) (2004)
- Wissensprojekte - Gemeinschaftliches Lernen aus didaktischer, softwaretechnischer und organisatorischer Sicht (Bernd Pape, Detlev Krause, Horst Oberquelle) (2004)
- Benutzergerechte Gestaltung von CSCL-Systemen (Matthias Finck, Michael Janneck, Horst Oberquelle)
- What we know about CSCL and implementing it in higher education (Jan-Willem Strijbos, Paul A. Kirschner, Rob L. Martens) (2004)
- Designing sociable CSCL Environments - Applying Interaction Design Principles (Paul A. Kirschner, Karel Kreijns)
- In Pursuit of Desktop Evolution - User Problems and Practices With Modern Desktop Systems (Pamela Ravasio, Sissel Guttormsen, Helmut Krüger) (2004)
- Personal Information Organisation - Studies on User-Appropriate Classification and Retrieval Strategies and their Implications for Information Management Systems Design (Pamela Ravasio) (2004)
- Using Rhythms of Relationships to Understand Email Archives (Douglas W. Oard, Adam Perer, Ben Shneiderman) (2005)
- Is computer science science? (Peter Denning) (2005)
- Knowledge and Information Visualization - Searching for Synergies (Sigmar-Olaf Tergan, Tanja Keller) (2005)
- 13. Towards a Framework and a Model for Knowledge Visualization - Synergies Between Information and Knowledge Visualization (Remo A. Burkhard) (2005)
- 13. Towards a Framework and a Model for Knowledge Visualization - Synergies Between Information and Knowledge Visualization (Remo A. Burkhard) (2005)
- Das Internet der Dinge - Ubiquitous Computing und RFID in der Praxis: Visionen, Technologien, Anwendungen, Handlungsanleitungen (Elgar Fleisch, Friedemann Mattern) (2005)
- Mobile World - Past, Present and Future (Lynne Hamill, Amparo Lasen) (2005)
- Ambient Findability - What We Find Changes Who We Become (Peter Morville) (2005)
- Revealing individual and collective pasts - Visualizations of online social archives (Fernanda B. Viégas) (2005)
- 2. Background
- 3. Collective Memories
- Unterrichtskonzepte für informatische Bildung - 11. Fachtagung Informatik und Schule der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) in Dresden (28.-30. September 2005) (Steffen Friedrich) (2005)
- Linking Physical and Virtual Worlds with Visual Markers and Handheld Devices - Dissertation, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ETH Zürich, Nr. 16193 (Michael Rohs) (2005)
- Creativity Support Tools - Report From a U.S. National Science Foundation Sponsored Workshop (Ben Shneiderman, Gerhard Fischer, M. Czerwinski, Mitchel Resnick, Brad Myers, Linda Candy, Ernest Edmonds, Michael Eisenberg, Elisa Giaccardi, Tom Hewett, Pamela Jennings, Bill Kules, Kumio Makakoji, Jay Nunamaker, Randy Pausch, Ted Selker, Elisabeth Sylvan, Michael Terry) (2006)
- Globale Medienkultur - Technik, Geschichte, Theorien (Frank Hartmann) (2006)
- Emerging Technologies for Learning (BECTA) (2006)
- 3. The future of human-computer interaction (Paul Anderson)
- Qualitätssicherung im E-Learning (Alexandra Sindler, Claudia Bremer, Ullrich Dittler, Petra Hennecke, Christian Sengstag, Joachim Wedekind) (2006)
- Qualitätssicherung durch Evaluation - Neue Ansätze zur Evaluierung selbstgesteuerter Lerntools (Lisa Deutschmann, Martin Ebner, Andreas Holzinger, Jürgen Zechner)
- Qualitätssicherung durch Evaluation - Neue Ansätze zur Evaluierung selbstgesteuerter Lerntools (Lisa Deutschmann, Martin Ebner, Andreas Holzinger, Jürgen Zechner)
- Beyond the Desktop Metaphor - Designing Integrated Digital Work Environments (V. Kaptelinin, M. Czerwinski) (2006)
- 1. The Desktop Methaphor and New Uses of Technology - Introduction
- 2. Beyond Lifestreams - The Inevitable Demise of the Desktop Metaphor (Eric Freeman, David Gelernter)
- Interactive Computation - The New Paradigm (Dina Q. Goldin, Scott A. Smolka, Peter Wegner) (2006)
- 16. Coordination (Peter Denning, Thomas W. Malone)
- Patterns for Computer Mediated Interaction (Till Schümmer, Stephan Lukosch) (2007)
- About Face 3 - The Essentials of Interaction Design (Alan Cooper, Robert Reimann, David Cronin) (2007)
- Technologie, Imagination und Lernen - Grundlagen für Bildungsprozesse mit Digitalen Medien (Heidi Schelhowe) (2007)
- Being Human - Human-Computer Interaction in the year 2020 (Richard Harper, Tom Rodden, Yvonne Rogers, Abigail Sellen) (2008)
- The Risks of Visualization - A Classification of Disadvantages Associated with Graphic Representations of Information (Sabrina Bresciani, Martin Jürg Eppler) (2008)
- Philosophical Frameworks for Understanding Information Systems (Andrew Basden) (2008)
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Medienkompass 2 (Daniel Ammann, Urs Ingold, Flurin Senn, Silvie Spiess, Friederike Tilemann) (2008)
- Kompendium multimediales Lernen (Helmut M. Niegemann, Steffi Domagk, Silvia Hessel, Alexandra Hein, Matthias Hupfer, A. Zobel) (2008)
- Paving the Way for Computational Thinking - Drawing on methods from diverse disciplines - including computer science,
education, sociology, and psychology - to improve computing education. (Mark Guzdial) (2008)
- CSCL 2009 (2009)
- Mobile Learning 2.0 (Anja Wagner) (2009)
- Evaluating User Experience in Games - Concepts and Methods (Regina Bernhaupt) (2010)
- ITiCSE 2010 - Proceedings of the 15th Annual SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE 2010, Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey, June 26-30, 2010 (Reyyan Ayfer, John Impagliazzo, Cary Laxer) (2010)
- Challenges with teaching HCI early to computer students (Johan Aberg) (2010)
- The Handbook of Human-Machine Interaction (Guy A. Boy) (2011)
- Privacy and Identity Management for Life (Jan Camenisch) (2011)
- Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien (Martin Ebner, Sandra Schön) (2011)
- Human-Centered Computing - A New Degree for Licklider's World (Mark Guzdial) (2013)
- Design for Information - An introduction to the histories, theories, and best practices behind effective information visualizations (Isabel Meirelles) (2013)
- Enchanted Objects - Design, Human Desire, and the Internet of Things (David Rose) (2014)
- My Nightmare - Prolog
- Machines of Loving Grace - The Quest for Common Ground Between Humans and Robots (John Markoff) (2015)
- Proceedings of the Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, WiPSCE 2015, London, United Kingdom, November 9-11, 2015 (Judith Gal-Ezer, Sue Sentance, Jan Vahrenhold) (2015)
- Using Interface Design to Develop Computational Thinking Skills (Ana C. Calderon, Tom Crick) (2015)
- Using Interface Design to Develop Computational Thinking Skills (Ana C. Calderon, Tom Crick) (2015)
- 300 Keywords Informationsethik - Grundwissen aus Computer- Netz- und Neue-Medien-Ethik sowie Maschinenethik (Oliver Bendel) (2016)
- From computing to computational thinking (Paul S. Wang) (2016)
- «Hey Google is it OK if I eat you?» - Initial Explorations in Child-Agent Interaction (Stefania Druga) (2017)
- Data Feminism (Catherine D'Ignazio, Lauren F. Klein) (2020)
- 3. On Rational, Scientific, Objective Viewpoints from Mythical, Imaginary, Impossible Standpoints - Principle: Elevate Emotion and Embodiment
- 3. On Rational, Scientific, Objective Viewpoints from Mythical, Imaginary, Impossible Standpoints - Principle: Elevate Emotion and Embodiment
- Developing Computational Solutions With Humility - Recommending Morgan Ames' 'The Charisma Machine' (Mark Guzdial) (2020)
- Mirages: On Anthropomorphism in Dialogue Systems (Gavin Abercrombie, Amanda Cercas Curry, Tanvi Dinkar, Zeerak Talat) (2023)
- The Rise of the AI Co-Pilot - Lessons for Design from Aviation and Beyond (2024)