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Beats Biblionetz - Begriffe

Fremdsprache second language

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Fremdsprache, second language


UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org.The quality of teacher training is critical. In Catalonia, an autonomous community of Spain, a programme provided interactive whiteboards along with one-to-one devices to more than 600 schools. Teachers reported using interactive whiteboards mostly like a common projector to display digital textbooks and slides. But teachers who had received specialized training using examples from publishers and peers were more likely to use the boards interactively to generate content or allow students to write on them (Grimalt-Álvaro et al., 2019).
Von UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org. im Buch Technology in education: A Tool on whose Terms? (2023) im Text Teaching and Learning
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org.Governments have significantly invested in interactive whiteboards with varied impacts. The United Kingdom was an early large-scale adopter in the 2000s. An evaluation of their pilot introduction in 200 classrooms found that teachers and 9- to 11-year-old students were overwhelmingly supportive (Thomas et al., 2010). As a result, the programme was scaled up and, by 2007, they were being used extensively in teaching (Smith et al., 2008). However, interactive whiteboards were often used simply as a replacement for blackboards and their interactive capabilities not necessarily used (DiGregorio and Sobel-Lojeski, 2010).
Von UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org. im Buch Technology in education: A Tool on whose Terms? (2023) im Text Teaching and Learning

iconVerwandte Objeke

Verwandte Begriffe
(co-word occurance)
Fremdsprachenlernensecond language learning(0.46), Sprachenlernenlanguage learning(0.24), Sprachelanguage(0.09), Computer Aided Language Learning (CALL)(0.08), CAx (Computer Aided irgendwas)(0.03)

iconHäufig erwähnende Personen

iconHäufig co-zitierte Personen

Yasemin Kaymak Yasemin

iconStatistisches Begriffsnetz  Dies ist eine graphische Darstellung derjenigen Begriffe, die häufig gleichzeitig mit dem Hauptbegriff erwähnt werden (Cozitation).


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iconZitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)


icon169 Erwähnungen  Dies ist eine nach Erscheinungsjahr geordnete Liste aller im Biblionetz vorhandenen Werke, die das ausgewählte Thema behandeln.

iconAnderswo suchen  Auch im Biblionetz finden Sie nicht alles. Aus diesem Grund bietet das Biblionetz bereits ausgefüllte Suchformulare für verschiedene Suchdienste an. Biblionetztreffer werden dabei ausgeschlossen.

iconBiblionetz-History Dies ist eine graphische Darstellung, wann wie viele Verweise von und zu diesem Objekt ins Biblionetz eingetragen wurden und wie oft die Seite abgerufen wurde.