Constructionism |
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Bemerkungen zu diesem Buch

- Learning through Design and Teaching (Yasmin B. Kafai, Idit Harel)
- 1. Situating Constructionism (Seymour Papert, Idit Harel)
- 9. Epistemological pluralism and the revaluation of the concrete (Sherry Turkle, Seymour Papert)
- 13. Learning Probability through Paradox and Programming - A Case Study in a Connected Mathematics Framework (Uri Wilensky)
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![]() Personen KB IB clear | Andrea diSessa , Hubert L. Dreyfus , Paul Feyerabend , Donna Haraway , Idit Harel , Douglas Hofstadter , Alan Kay , Bruno Latour , Marvin Minsky , Seymour Papert , Jean Piaget , C. Strohecker , Sherry Turkle , Daniel Watt , Sylvia Weir , Joseph Weizenbaum , Ludwig Wittgenstein , Steve Woolgar | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() Aussagen KB IB clear | Der Frauenanteil in der Informatik ist klein.
Lebensweltfremde, rein abstrakte Vermittlung senkt das Interesse von Frauen an Informatik | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Dieses Buch erwähnt vermutlich nicht ... 
![]() Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Bildung, Eltern, LehrerIn, Programmiersprachen, Schule, Unterricht |
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127 Erwähnungen 
- Technology Design as Educational Research - Interweaving Imagination, Inquiry, and Impact (Jeremy Roschelle, Nicholas Jackiw)
- Comparing loops misconceptions in block-based and text-based programming languages at the K-12 level (Monika Mladenović, Ivica Boljat, Žana Žanko)
- Programming Multimedia Stories in Scratch to Integrate Computational Thinking and Writing with Elementary Students (Shaunna Smith, Lauren E. Burrow)
- Neural Network Construction Practices in Elementary School (Gilad Shamir, Ilya Levin)
- Constructionism (Idit Harel, Seymour Papert) (1990)
- Behavior construction kits (Mitchel Resnick) (1993)
- Turtles, Termites, and Traffic Jams - Explorations in Massively Parallel Microworlds (Complex Adaptive Systems) (Mitchel Resnick) (1994)
- MOOSE Crossing - Creating a Learning Culture. (Amy Bruckman) (1994)
- The Emergence of Abstract Representations in Dyad Problem Solving (Daniel L. Schwartz) (1995)
- Minds in Play - Computer Game Design As A Context for Children's Learning (Yasmin B. Kafai) (1995)
- Grundlagen hypermedialer Lernsysteme - Theorie - Didaktik - Design (Rolf Schulmeister) (1996)
- CSCL - Theory and Practice of an Emerging Paradigm (Timothy D. Koschmann) (1996)
- Paradigm shifts and instructional technology - An introduction
- Paradigm shifts and instructional technology - An introduction
- Constructionism in Practice - Designing, Thinking, and Learning in a Digital World (Yasmin B. Kafai, Mitchel Resnick) (1996)
- Introduction
- 9. The MediaMOO Project - Constructionism and Professional Community (Amy Bruckman, Mitchel Resnick) (1995)
- Introduction
- LOG IN 5/1997 - Programmieren weltweit (1997)
- Auf dem Weg zu einer Theorie der Interaktion - Eine Entgegnung zu Peter Rechenbergs „Quo vadis Informatik?" (LOG IN, 1 997, Heft 1) (Heidi Schelhowe)
- Auf dem Weg zu einer Theorie der Interaktion - Eine Entgegnung zu Peter Rechenbergs „Quo vadis Informatik?" (LOG IN, 1 997, Heft 1) (Heidi Schelhowe)
- The Journal of the Learning Sciences 6(4) (1997)
- Mindstorms 2 (Tim O'Shea)
- Logo-as-Latin Redux (Timothy D. Koschmann)
- Mindstorms 2 (Tim O'Shea)
- Constructivism in Computer Science Education (Mordechai Ben-Ari) (1998)
- The Impact of Education Technology on Student Achievement - What the Most Current Research Has To Say (John Schacter) (1999)
- Supporting Learners as Users - How can we cost-efficiently help students use software to construct knowledge? (Mark Guzdial) (1999)
- Beyond Black Boxes (Mitchel Resnick, Robbie Berg, Michael Eisenberg) (2000)
- Vernetztes Lernen mit digitalen Medien - Proceedings der ersten Tagung "Computergestütztes Kooperatives Lernen (D-CSCL 2000)" am 23. und 24. März 2000 in Darmstadt (2000)
- Motivation and non-majors in Computer Science - Identifying Discrete Audiences for Introductory Courses (Andrea Forte, Mark Guzdial) (2002)
- Wirkungen und Wirksamkeit neuer Medien - Education Quality Forum - Band 1 (Reinhard Keil, Michael Kerres) (2003)
- Technik als Denkzeug - Lerngewebe und Bildungsinfrastrukturen (Reinhard Keil)
- Computers for Communication, Not Calculation - Media as a Motivation and Context for Learning (Andrea Forte, Mark Guzdial) (2004)
- Use of Collaborative Multimedia in Computer Science Classes (Mark Guzdial) (2004)
- Didaktik der Informatik (Sigrid E. Schubert, Andreas Schwill) (2004)
- Computer Science Education Research (Sally Fincher, Marian Petre) (2004)
- Some Reflections on Designing Construction Kits for Kids (Mitchel Resnick, Brian Silverman) (2005)
- Creativity Support Tools - Report of Workshop on Creativity Support Tools (Ben Shneiderman, Gerhard Fischer, M. Czerwinski, Brad Myers, Mitchel Resnick) (2005)
- 3. Design Principles for Tools to Support Creative Thinking (Mitchel Resnick, Brad Myers, Kumiyo Nakakoji, Ben Shneiderman, Randy Pausch, Ted Selker, Michael Eisenberg) (2005)
- 3. Design Principles for Tools to Support Creative Thinking (Mitchel Resnick, Brad Myers, Kumiyo Nakakoji, Ben Shneiderman, Randy Pausch, Ted Selker, Michael Eisenberg) (2005)
- The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences (R. Keith Sawyer) (2006)
- 1-To-1-Learning - Laptop Programs That Work (Pamela Livingston) (2006)
- Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge - A Framework for Teacher Knowledge (Punya Mishra, Matthew J. Koehler) (2006)
- Qualitätskriterien für E-Learning - Ein Leitfaden für Lehrer/innen, Lehrende und Content-Ersteller/innen (Robert Kristöfl, Heimo Sandtner, Maria Jandl) (2006)
- 2. Qualitätskriterien für Didaktik (Anastasia Sfiri, Irmgard Schinnerl, Jutta Pauschenwein, Heimo Sandtner)
- Tracing the Dynabook - A Study of Technocultural Transformations (John W. Maxwell) (2006)
- How Computer Games Help Children Learn (David Williamson Shaffer) (2006)
- Computer (ICT), Grundschule, Kindergarten und Neue Lernkultur (Hartmut Mitzlaff) (2007)
- Der Computer als Malpinsel - Technologie, Spiel und die kreative Gesellschaft (Mitchel Resnick)
- Der Computer als Malpinsel - Technologie, Spiel und die kreative Gesellschaft (Mitchel Resnick)
- Blocks to Robots - Learning with Technology in the Early Childhood Classroom (Marina Umaschi Bers) (2007)
- Technologie, Imagination und Lernen - Grundlagen für Bildungsprozesse mit Digitalen Medien (Heidi Schelhowe) (2007)
- eUniversity - Update Bologna (Reinhard Keil, Michael Kerres, Rolf Schulmeister) (2007)
- Studieren neu erfinden - Hochschule neu denken - GMW-Tagung 2007 (Marianne Merkt, Kerstin Mayrberger, Rolf Schulmeister) (2007)
- Begleitstudium Problemlösekompetenz 2.0 - Infrastruktur für studentische Projekte an Hochschulen (Thomas Sporer, Gabi Reinmann, Tobias Jenert, Sandra Hofhues)
- Begleitstudium Problemlösekompetenz 2.0 - Infrastruktur für studentische Projekte an Hochschulen (Thomas Sporer, Gabi Reinmann, Tobias Jenert, Sandra Hofhues)
- WikiSym 2007 (2007)
- Constructing Text - Wiki as a Toolkit for (Collaborative?) Learning (Andrea Forte, Amy Bruckman)
- Constructing Text - Wiki as a Toolkit for (Collaborative?) Learning (Andrea Forte, Amy Bruckman)
- Digital technologies and their role in achieving our ambitions for education (Diana Laurillard) (2008)
- Does it «want» or «was it programmed to...»? - Kindergarten children’s explanations of an autonomous robot’s adaptive functioning (Sharona T. Levy, David Mioduser) (2008)
- Handbook of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) for Educators (Joel Colbert, Kim Boyd, Kevin Clark, Sharon Guan, Judith Harris, Mario Kelly, Ann Thompson) (2008)
- 1. Introducing TPCK - Confronting the
Wicked Problems of Teaching with Technology (Matthew J. Koehler, Punya Mishra) (2008)
- 1. Introducing TPCK - Confronting the
Wicked Problems of Teaching with Technology (Matthew J. Koehler, Punya Mishra) (2008)
- Interesse wecken und Grundkenntnisse vermitteln - 3. Münsteraner Workshop zur Schulinformatik - 7. Mai 2008 (Marco Thomas, Michael Weigend) (2008)
- Informatik und Verkehr - Modellieren mit Scratch (Michael Weigend)
- Informatik und Verkehr - Modellieren mit Scratch (Michael Weigend)
- Kreativität im Informatikunterricht (Ralf Romeike) (2008)
- Using Laptops to Facilitate Middle School Science Learning - The Results of Hard Fun (Alexis M. Berry, Sarah E. Wintle) (2009)
- The pedagogical challenges to collaborative technologies (Diana Laurillard) (2009)
- Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning (George Siemens, Peter Tittenberger) (2009)
- Children's Participation Patterns in Online Communities - An Analysis of Israeli Learners in the Scratch Online Community (Oren Zuckerman, Ina Blau, Andrés Monroy-Hernández) (2009)
- Konstruktionstätigkeit mit Digitalen Medien - Eine qualitative Studie als Beitrag zur Medienbildung (Isabel Zorn) (2009)
- Writing, Citing, and Participatory Media - Wikis as Learning Environments in the High School Classroom (Andrea Forte, Amy Bruckman) (2010)
- Constructionism 2010 - Constructionist approaches to creative learning, thinking and education: Lessons for the 21st century (2010)
- Constructivism(s) - Shared roots, crossed paths, multiple legacies (Edith Ackermann)
- Constructivism(s) - Shared roots, crossed paths, multiple legacies (Edith Ackermann)
- Digitale Medien für Lehre und Forschung - (Tagungsband der GMW-Jahrestagung 2010) (Schewa Mandel, Manuel Rutishauser, Eva Seiler Schiedt) (2010)
- SuGI - Eine nachhaltige Infrastruktur zur Erstellung und Distribution digitaler Lerninhalte (Marc Seifert, Viktor Achter)
- SuGI - Eine nachhaltige Infrastruktur zur Erstellung und Distribution digitaler Lerninhalte (Marc Seifert, Viktor Achter)
- ICER 2010 - Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Computing Education Research, Aarhus, Denmark, August 9-10, 2010 (Michael E. Caspersen, Michael J. Clancy, Kate Sanders) (2010)
- Learning computer science concepts with scratch (Orni Meerbaum-Salant, Michal Armoni, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2010)
- Learning computer science concepts with scratch (Orni Meerbaum-Salant, Michal Armoni, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2010)
- Mobile Learning in Widening Contexts - Concepts and Cases (Norbert Pachler, Ben Bachmair, John Cook) (2011)
- Mobile Learning with Videos in Online Communities - The example of (Karsten D. Wolf, Klaus Rummler) (2011)
- Mobile Learning with Videos in Online Communities - The example of (Karsten D. Wolf, Klaus Rummler) (2011)
- ITiCSE 2011 - Proceedings of the 16th Annual SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE 2011, Darmstadt, Germany, June 27-29, 2011 (Guido Rößling, Thomas L. Naps, Christian Spannagel) (2011)
- Habits of programming in scratch (Orni Meerbaum-Salant, Michal Armoni, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2011)
- Habits of programming in scratch (Orni Meerbaum-Salant, Michal Armoni, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2011)
- Informatik in Bildung und Beruf - INFOS 2011 - 14. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule (Marco Thomas) (2011)
- PicoCrickets als Zugang zur Informatik in der Grundschule (Ralf Romeike, Dominik Reichert)
- PicoCrickets als Zugang zur Informatik in der Grundschule (Ralf Romeike, Dominik Reichert)
- Dancing the 'Robot Hokey-Pokey' - Cognitive Developmental Level as a Predictor of Programming Achievement (Louise P. Flannery) (2011)
- Be-greifbare Interaktionen - Der allgegenwärtige Computer - Touchscreens, Wearables, Tangibles und Ubiquitous Computing (Bernd Robben, Heidi Schelhowe) (2012)
- Interaktionsdesign für reflexive Erfahrung (Heidi Schelhowe)
- TechKreativ: Tangible Interfaces in Lernwelten (Nadine Dittert, Eva-Sophie Katterfeldt, Milena Reichel)
- Computer Science Education 3/2013 (2013)
- Learning computer science concepts with Scratch (Orni Meerbaum-Salant, Michal Armoni, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2013)
- Learning computer science concepts with Scratch (Orni Meerbaum-Salant, Michal Armoni, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2013)
- Invent to Learn - Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom (Sylvia Libow Martinez, Gary Stager) (2013)
- Informatik erweitert Horizonte - 15. GI-Fachtagung "Informatik und Schule" - INFOS 2013 - 26.- 28.09.2013 (2013)
- Einführung in die Mediendidaktik - Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien (Dominik Petko) (2014)
- Connected Code - Why Children Need to Learn Programming (Yasmin B. Kafai, Quinn Burke) (2014)
- ICER 2014 - International Computing Education Research Conference, ICER 2014, Glasgow, United Kingdom, August 11-13, 2014 (Quintin I. Cutts, Beth Simon, Brian Dorn) (2014)
- Diversifying high school students' views about computing with electronic textiles (Kristin A. Searle, Deborah A. Fields, Debora A. Lui, Yasmin B. Kafai) (2014)
- The effect of robotics activities on students' learning and attitudes (Fatima Kaloti-Hallak) (2014)
- Diversifying high school students' views about computing with electronic textiles (Kristin A. Searle, Deborah A. Fields, Debora A. Lui, Yasmin B. Kafai) (2014)
- Teaching Computing - Developing as a Reflective Secondary Teacher (Carl Simmons, Claire Hawkins) (2015)
- Teaching with Tablets (Helen Caldwell, James Bird) (2015)
- 8. Computing (Yasemin Allsop)
- Individuell fördern mit digitalen Medien - Chancen, Risiken, Erfolgsfaktoren (Bertelsmann Stiftung) (2015)
- Szenarien lernförderlicher IT-Infrastrukturen in Schulen - Betriebskonzepte, Ressourcenbedarf und Handlungsempfehlungen (Andreas Breiter, Björn Eric Stolpmann, Anja Zeising) (2015)
- Szenarien lernförderlicher IT-Infrastrukturen in Schulen - Betriebskonzepte, Ressourcenbedarf und Handlungsempfehlungen (Andreas Breiter, Björn Eric Stolpmann, Anja Zeising) (2015)
- Learner-Centered Design of Computing Education - Research on Computing for Everyone (Mark Guzdial) (2015)
- Making-Aktivitäten mit Kindern und Jugendlichen - Handbuch zum kreativen digitalen Gestalten (Sandra Schön, Martin Ebner, Kristin Narr) (2016)
- Didaktik der Informatik (Eckart Modrow, Kerstin Strecker) (2016)
- Making Through the Lens of Culture and Power - Toward Transformative Visions for Educational Equity (Shirin Vossoughi, Paula Hooper, Meg Escudé) (2016)
- Modality matters - Understanding the Effects of Programming Language Representation in High School Computer Science Classrooms (David Weintrop) (2016)
- Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science in Education (Martin Kandlhofer, Gerald Steinbauer, Sabine Hirschmugl-Gaisch, Petra Huber) (2016)
- Emerging Research, Practice, and Policy on Computational Thinking (Peter J. Rich, Charles B. Hodges) (2017)
- 12. Teacher Transformations in Developing Computational Thinking - Gaming and Robotics Use in After-School Settings (Alan Buss, Ruben Gamboa)
- 14. Computational Thinking Conceptions and Misconceptions - Progression of Preservice Teacher Thinking During Computer Science Lesson Planning (Olgun Sadik, Anne-Ottenbreit Leftwich, Hamid Nadiruzzaman)
- 24. Computational Participation - Teaching Kids to Create and Connect Through Code (Yasmin B. Kafai, Quinn Burke) (2017)
- 12. Teacher Transformations in Developing Computational Thinking - Gaming and Robotics Use in After-School Settings (Alan Buss, Ruben Gamboa)
- Tomorrow's Learning: Involving Everyone. Learning with and about Technologies and Computing - 11th IFIP TC 3 World Conference on Computers in Education, WCCE 2017, Dublin, Ireland, July 3-6, 2017 (Arthur Tatnall, Mary Webb) (2017)
- 31. How Interactives Can Change Learnability of Science Concepts for Young Children – Re-positioning Them as Learners ‘Who Can and Did’ - A Decision Support Tool (Cheryl Jakab, Christine Redman)
- 59. Constructive Interaction on Collaborative Programming - Case Study for Grade 6 Students Group (Sayaka Tohyama, Yoshiaki Matsuzawa, Shohei Yokoyama, Teppei Koguchi, Yugo Takeuchi)
- 31. How Interactives Can Change Learnability of Science Concepts for Young Children – Re-positioning Them as Learners ‘Who Can and Did’ - A Decision Support Tool (Cheryl Jakab, Christine Redman)
- Analysis of the relation between computational thinking skills and various variables with the structural equation model (Hatice Yildiz Durak, Mustafa Saritepeci) (2017)
- Demystifying computational thinking (Valerie J. Shute, Chen Sun, Jodi Asbell-Clarke) (2017)
- Handbook of Technology Education (Marc J. de Vries) (2017)
- 33. Maker Movement in Education: History and Prospects (Paulo Blikstein)
- 33. Maker Movement in Education: History and Prospects (Paulo Blikstein)
- Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (Joke Voogt, Gerald Knezek, Rhonda Christensen, Kwok-Wing Lai) (2018)
- Development and Evaluation of Concepts and Tools to Reinforce Gender Equality by Engaging Female Teenagers in Coding (Bernadette Spieler) (2018)
- Empowering learners with tools in CS education - Physical computing in secondary schools (Mareen Grillenberger, Ralf Romeike) (2018)
- ICER 2018 - Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, ICER 2018, Espoo, Finland, August 13-15, 2018 (Lauri Malmi, Ari Korhonen, Robert McCartney, Andrew Petersen) (2018)
- Starting from Scratch - Outcomes of Early Computer Science Learning Experiences and Implications for What Comes Next (David Weintrop, Alexandria K. Hansen, Danielle B. Harlow, Diana Franklin) (2018)
- Applying a Gesture Taxonomy to Introductory Computing Concepts (Amber Solomon, Mark Guzdial, Betsy DiSalvo, Ben Rydal Shapiro) (2018)
- Starting from Scratch - Outcomes of Early Computer Science Learning Experiences and Implications for What Comes Next (David Weintrop, Alexandria K. Hansen, Danielle B. Harlow, Diana Franklin) (2018)
- From Embedded Systems to Physical Computing - Challenges of the Digital World in Secondary Computer Science Education (Mareen Przybylla) (2018)
- Informatics in Schools: Fundamentals of Computer Science and Software Engineering (Sergei Pozdniakov, Valentina Dagienė) (2018)
- How an Ambitious Informatics Curriculum Can Influence Algebraic Thinking of Primary School Children (Francesca Agatolio, Fabio Albanese, Michele Moro)
- How an Ambitious Informatics Curriculum Can Influence Algebraic Thinking of Primary School Children (Francesca Agatolio, Fabio Albanese, Michele Moro)
- Physical Computing als Mittel der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisgewinnung - in der Informatik und als fächerverbindende MINT-Arbeitsweise (Sandra Schulz) (2018)
- Concepts before coding - non-programming interactives to advance learning of introductory programming concepts in middle school (Shuchi Grover, Nicholas Jackiw, Patrik Lundh) (2019)
- ITiCSE 2019 - Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, July 15-17, 2019 (Bruce Scharlau, Roger McDermott, Arnold Pears, Mihaela Sabin) (2019)
- Making CS Learning Visible - Case Studies on How Visibility of Student Work Supports a Community of Learners in CS Classrooms (Amber Solomon, Vanessa Oguamanam, Mark Guzdial, Betsy DiSalvo) (2019)
- Making CS Learning Visible - Case Studies on How Visibility of Student Work Supports a Community of Learners in CS Classrooms (Amber Solomon, Vanessa Oguamanam, Mark Guzdial, Betsy DiSalvo) (2019)
- Proceedings of the 14th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, WiPSCE 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, October 23-25, 2019 (2019)
- From 'Use' to 'Choose' - Scaffolding CT Curricula and Exploring Student Choices while Programming (Practical Report) (Nicholas Lytle, Veronica Cateté, Amy Isvik, Danielle Boulden, Yihuan Dong, Eric N. Wiebe, Tiffany Barnes) (2019)
- From 'Use' to 'Choose' - Scaffolding CT Curricula and Exploring Student Choices while Programming (Practical Report) (Nicholas Lytle, Veronica Cateté, Amy Isvik, Danielle Boulden, Yihuan Dong, Eric N. Wiebe, Tiffany Barnes) (2019)
- The Charisma Machine - The Life, Death, and Legacy of One Laptop per Child (Morgan Ames) (2019)
- «Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge» als Leitmodell medienpädagogischer Kompetenz (Mirjam Schmid, Dominik Petko) (2020)
- Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik 17 - Lernen mit und über Medien in einer digitalen Welt (Klaus Rummler, Ilka Koppel, Sandra Aßmann, Patrick Bettinger, Karsten D. Wolf) (2020)
- ICER 2020 - International Computing Education Research Conference, Virtual Event, New Zealand, August 10-12, 2020 (Anthony V. Robins, Adon Moskal, Amy J. Ko, Renée McCauley) (2020)
- An Analysis of Use-Modify-Create Pedagogical Approach's Success in Balancing Structure and Student Agency (Diana Franklin, Merijke Coenraad, Jennifer Palmer, Donna Eatinger, Anna Zipp, Marco Anaya, Max White, Hoang Pham, Ozan Gökdemir, David Weintrop) (2020)
- An Analysis of Use-Modify-Create Pedagogical Approach's Success in Balancing Structure and Student Agency (Diana Franklin, Merijke Coenraad, Jennifer Palmer, Donna Eatinger, Anna Zipp, Marco Anaya, Max White, Hoang Pham, Ozan Gökdemir, David Weintrop) (2020)
- WiPSCE '20 - Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, Virtual Event, Germany, October 28-30, 2020 (Torsten Brinda, Michal Armoni) (2020)
- Longitudinal approach for introducing programming in italian primary school (Augusto Chioccariello, Rosa Bottino, Sabrina Panesi, Laura Freina) (2020)
- Longitudinal approach for introducing programming in italian primary school (Augusto Chioccariello, Rosa Bottino, Sabrina Panesi, Laura Freina) (2020)
- The turtle and the mouse - how constructivist learning theory shaped artificial intelligence and educational technology in the 1960s (Barbra Hof) (2020)
- Code as Creative Medium (Golan Levin, Tega Brain) (2021)
- Informatik für alle - Beitrag und exemplarische Ausgestaltung informatischer Bildung als Grundlage für Bildung in der digitalen Transformation (Stefan Seegerer) (2021)
- Informatics in Schools. Rethinking Computing Education - 14th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2021, Virtual Event, November 3–5, 2021 (Erik Barendsen, Christos Chytas) (2021)
- Why Young Programmers Should Make Game Art - A Study from a Game-Making Course (Mária Karpielová, Karolína Miková)
- Why Young Programmers Should Make Game Art - A Study from a Game-Making Course (Mária Karpielová, Karolína Miková)
- Computational Thinking in Education - A Pedagogical Perspective (Aman Yadav, Ulf Dalvad Berthelsen) (2021)
- 2. Computational Thinking Today (Shuchi Grover)
- 4. Democracy and Computation - A Normative Perspective on the Magic of the New Millennium (Ulf Dalvad Berthelsen, Carsten Fogh Nielsen)
- WiPSCE '22 - The 17th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, Morschach, Switzerland, 31 October 2022 - 2 November 2022 (Mareen Grillenberger, Marc Berges) (2022)
- Addressing challenges of constructionist modeling of adaptive systems (Uwe Lorenz, Ralf Romeike) (2022)
- Addressing challenges of constructionist modeling of adaptive systems (Uwe Lorenz, Ralf Romeike) (2022)
- Teaching Coding in K-12 Schools - Research and Application (Therese Keane, Andrew Fluck) (2023)
- Why and How to Teach Physical Computing - Research and Practice in Computer Science Education at Secondary Schools (Mareen Grillenberger) (2023)
- Why and How to Teach Physical Computing - Research and Practice in Computer Science Education at Secondary Schools (Mareen Grillenberger) (2023)
- Programmieren in der Grundschule - Eine Design-Based-Research-Studie (Katharina Geldreich) (2023)
- Informatics in Schools. Beyond Bits and Bytes: Nurturing Informatics Intelligence in Education - 16th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2023, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 23–25, 2023 (Jean-Philippe Pellet, Gabriel Parriaux) (2023)
- Education and Awareness for Artificial Intelligence (Martin Kandlhofer, Petra Weixelbraun, Manuel Menzinger, Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner, Ágoston Kemenesi)
- Combining Models to Orchestrate an Instructional Scenario Fostering Computational Thinking in Educational Robotics (Frankie Dubois, Stephanie Burton, Patrick Wang, Morgane Chevalier)
- Education and Awareness for Artificial Intelligence (Martin Kandlhofer, Petra Weixelbraun, Manuel Menzinger, Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner, Ágoston Kemenesi)
- Wirksamer Informatikunterricht (Dennis Komm) (2024)
- WIPSCE '24 (Tilman Michaeli, Sue Sentance, Nadine Bergner) (2024)
- Unpacking Approaches to Learning and Teaching Machine Learning in K-12 Education - Transparency, Ethics, and Design Activities (Luis Morales-Navarro, Yasmin B. Kafai) (2024)
- Unpacking Approaches to Learning and Teaching Machine Learning in K-12 Education - Transparency, Ethics, and Design Activities (Luis Morales-Navarro, Yasmin B. Kafai) (2024)
Co-zitierte Bücher

Interdisciplinary Constructions for Learning and Knowing Mathematics in a Computer-Rich School
(Idit Harel) (1991)

Constructionism and Creativity in Youth Communities
(Yasmin B. Kafai, Kylie A. Peppler, Robbin N. Chapman) (2009)
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Titel | Format | Bez. | Aufl. | Jahr | ISBN | ||||||
Constructionism | E | Gebunden | - | - | 0893917850 | ![]() |
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Constructionism | E | Paperback | - | - | 0893917869 | ![]() |
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Beat und dieses Buch
Beat war Co-Leiter des ICT-Kompetenzzentrums TOP während er dieses Buch ins Biblionetz aufgenommen hat. Die bisher letzte Bearbeitung erfolgte während seiner Zeit am Institut für Medien und Schule. Beat besitzt weder ein physisches noch ein digitales Exemplar. Es wird häufig von anderen Objekten im Biblionetz zitiert. Beat hat dieses Buch auch schon in Vorträgen erwähnt.